
Stand-up komedija kot oblika podpore pri rehabilitaciji gibalno oviranih oseb
ID Ažman, Melita (Author), ID Vidrih, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gibalno ovirane osebe so zelo heterogena skupina ljudi, kar pomeni, da se proces rehabilitacije razlikuje od posameznika do posameznika. Obstaja več tehnik in metod za premagovanje ovir v vsakdanjem življenju invalidne osebe in sprejemanje lastne oviranosti. V magistrskem delu se osredotočamo na podporo pri rehabilitaciji gibalno oviranih oseb z udeleževanjem v dramskih dejavnostih. V teoretičnem uvodu najprej predstavljamo nekatere najpomembnejše pojme v povezavi z gibalno oviranostjo. Poleg področja specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike, ki obravnava osebe z gibalno oviranostjo, je v teoretičnem delu predstavljeno še področje pomoči z dramskimi dejavnostmi. Zaradi diferenciacije terminologije ožje opredelimo standup komedijo kot specifično dejavnost aplikativnega gledališča, ki preko humorja spodbuja spontanost in prožnost v ravnanju posameznika ter tako vpliva na odpornost pri soočanju z življenjskimi izzivi. V empiričnem delu pričujočega magistrskega dela sem skozi študije primera spremljala in preučevala tri odrasle osebe z gibalno oviranostjo, ki se ukvarjajo s standup komedijo. Glavni cilj raziskave je raziskati, kakšno vlogo ima standup komedija kot podporna tehnika v življenju in rehabilitaciji odraslih oseb z gibalno oviranostjo. Rezultati analize izvedenih intervjujev so jasno pokazali pomembnost in učinkovitost udeleževanja v dramskih dejavnostih. Udeleženci raziskave so potrdili, da se pozitivni učinki udejstvovanja v standup komediji kažejo pri kakovosti njihovega življenja, sooblikovanju samopodobe in samospoštovanja. Poleg tega sem z raziskavo orisala in dokazala tudi dejstvo, da invalidni komiki z nastopanjem ozaveščajo širšo javnost o gibalni oviranosti in problematiki odnosa družbe ter posledično zmanjšujejo stigmo.

Keywords:gibalna oviranost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12630857 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Stand-up Comedy as a Form of Rehabilitation Assistance to Physically Disabled People
People with disabilities are a very heterogeneous group of people, which means that the process of rehabilitation varies from person to person. There are several techniques and methods for accepting and coping with one’s own disability and overcoming obstacles in the daily life of a disabled person. In my master's thesis I focus on supporting the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities by participating in dramatic activities. In the theoretical introduction, I first introduce and explain some of the most important concepts in relation to physical disability. In addition to the field of special and rehabilitation pedagogy, which deals with persons with physical disabilities, the theoretical part also presents the field of assistance with dramatic activities. Due to the differentiation of terminology, I narrowly define stand-up comedy as a specific activity of applied theater, which promotes spontaneity and flexibility in an individual's behavior through humor, and thus influences resilience in facing life's challenges. In the empirical part of this master's thesis, I present the findings of the case studies I conducted. I interviewed and studied three adults with mobility impairments, who are active in the field of stand-up comedy. The main objective of my research is to investigate the role of stand-up as a supportive technique in the life and rehabilitation of adults with physical disabilities. The analysis of the conducted interviews clearly shows the importance and effectiveness of participating in dramatic activities. Survey participants confirmed that the positive effects of engaging in stand-up comedy are reflected in the quality of their lives, the co-creation of their self-image and self-esteem. In addition, I have outlined and demonstrated through the research the fact that disabled comedians raise awareness about physical disability and the problematic attitude of society among the general public, and consequently reduce stigma.

Keywords:physical disability

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