
Primerjava trebljenja plodičev različnih sort jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.)
ID Zidarič, Andrej (Author), ID Veberič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1C9F269C7CFA5B9757D87E3D966D743F

Spomladi 2018, smo na Gorenjskem opravili poskus na štirih sortah jablane, 'Idared', 'Carjevič', 'Elstar' in 'Zlati delišes'. Preverjali smo potek trebljenja in priraščanja plodičev. Opazovali smo vpliv pozicije cveta in plodiča na cvetni osi na naravno trebljenje. Skupno smo opravili sedem meritev, v 69 dneh. Vremenske razmere so imele pomembno vlogo. Med 27.5. in 10.6. je v sadovnjaku prišlo do pojava toče, ki pa ni imela vpliva na potek izvajanja poskusa. Najbolj zastopani so bili cvetni šopi, ki so imeli 5 in 6 cvetov. Potek trebljenja je pokazal, da sta sorti 'Idared' in 'Carjevič' dosegle vrh odpadanja 13. dan po polnem cvetenju (DAFB), 'Elstar' in 'Zlati delišes' pa sta vrh odpadanja dosegli 22 DAFB. Kumulativno je, ne glede na sorto, odpadlo kar 91,2 % plodičev. Analiza trebljenja po pozicijah plodičev ni pokazala značilnih razlik med pozicijami. Priraščanje plodičev je potekalo v skladu z modelom priraščanja značilnim za jabolka. Centralni plodič (K1) je priraščal v začetku hitreje, lateralni plodiči (L) pa so kasneje ta zaostanek nadoknadili. Za bolj natančno poznavanje dinamike odpadanja plodičev, bi bilo potrebno celoten poskus spremljati še vsaj eno leto.

Keywords:sadjarstvo, jablana, trebljenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Zidarič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111781 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9327993 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2019
ZIDARIČ, Andrej, 2019, Primerjava trebljenja plodičev različnih sort jablane (Malus domestica Borkh.) [online]. Master’s thesis. A. Zidarič. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Abcission comparison of friutlets of different apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.)
In spring 2018, we conducted an experiment on four different cultivars of apple trees, 'Idared', 'Carjevič', 'Elstar' and 'Golden delicious'. We examined the development of abscission and fruitlet growth. We observed the effect of bloom and fruitlet position on the flower stem, on natural abscission. We conducted seven measurements in 69 days. Weather conditions played an important role. Between 27 May and 10 June there was hail but this didn't affect the progress of experiment. Inflorescences with 5 and six blooms were predominant. The progress of abscission showed that 'Idared' and 'Carjevič' cultivars reached the peak of falling 13 days after full bloom (DAFB). 'Elstar' and 'Golden delicious' cultivars reached the peak of falling 22 DAFB. Cumulatively, 91,2 % of fruits fell off regardless of the cultivar. The abscission regarding the position of fruitlet analysis did not show specific differences between different positions. The fruitlet growth proceeded according to the model of growth which is typical for apples. The growth of the central fruitlet (K1) was faster in the beginning, the lateral fruitlets (L) caught up later. For more accurate knowledge of fruitlet fall dynamics, the experiment should be observed for at least a year.

Keywords:friut growing, apples, abscission

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