
Pripomočki slepih in slabovidnih : diplomsko delo
ID Vouri, Tadeja (Author), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Slepe in slabovidne osebe se pri mobilizaciji in orientaciji, izobraževanju, ter vsakdanjem življenju soočajo z različnimi težavami in izzivi. Pri soočanju s težavami so jim v pomoč različne prilagoditve in pripomočki. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti slepoto in slabovidnost ter probleme, s katerimi se slepe in slabovidne osebe srečujejo, zbrati in predstaviti pripomočke slepih in slabovidnih, ki jih ti uporabljajo na področju vsakdanjega življenja, mobilnosti in orientacije ter izobraževanja, predstaviti njihovo uporabo, njihove prednosti in slabosti ter vpliv okolja na uporabo določenih pripomočkov ter pripomočke primerjati med seboj. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabljali deskriptivno metodo dela. Pri iskanju smo uporabili časovni okvir med letoma 2008 in 2018. Literatura je bila iskana v slovenskem, nemškem in angleškem jeziku s ključnimi besedami pripomočki, slepi, slabovidni, mobilnost, izobraževanje in podporna tehnologija. Literatura je bila iskana v podatkovnih bazah ScienceDirect, Medline in Google Scholar, nekaj literature pa smo našli v Pokrajinski in študijski knjižnici v Murski Soboti z istimi ključnimi besedami. Ocenili smo pet knjig, ter 44 študij in člankov, ki so se nam zdeli primerni. Rezultati: Slepe in slabovidne osebe se orientirajo in mobilizirajo s pomočjo pripomočkov, kot so pametne palice, ter aplikacije na mobilnih telefonih. Uporaba in učenje pripomočkov je enostavna in hitra, ter imajo taktilne in audio povratne informacije. Informacijska komunikacijska tehnologija pomaga pri učenju, komunikaciji, osvajanju računalniških veščin, ter lažjemu vključevanju v socialno okolje. Najbolj pogosto je uporabljen bralnik zaslona. Pripomočki za vsakdanje življenje igrajo pomembno vlogo pri samostojnosti, prostem času, ter rekreaciji. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da je za mobilnost in orientacijo najbolj primerna pametna palica. Informacijska komunikacijska tehnologija izboljša učenje in vključenost, vendar zmanjšuje pismenost. Pripomočki za vsakdanje življenje olajšajo in pripomorejo k samostojnosti slepe in slabovidne osebe. Pomembno je da so pripomočki estetskega videza, cenovno dostopni, ter enostavni za uporabo, vendar so nekateri pripomočki le prototipi in se ne uporabljajo.

Keywords:slepi in slabovidni, pripomočki, mobilnost in orientacija, izobraževanje, vsakdanje življenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111708 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5708395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Assistive technologies for blind and visually impaired people : diploma work
Introduction: Blind and visually impaired persons are confronted with various difficulties and challenges in mobilization and orientation, education, and in everyday life. In their struggle with these issues, there are various adjustments and devices to help them cope. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present blindness and visual impairment and the problems that blind and visually impaired persons face, to collect and present the devices which the blind and visually impaired use in their everyday lives, in mobility and orientation and in education, to present their use, their pros and cons and the impact of the environment on the use of certain devices, and to compare the devices with one another. Methods: In the thesis, we used the descriptive method of work. For our research, the timeframe between the years 2008 and 2018 was used. We searched for literature in the Slovenian, German and English languages, using the following keywords: devices, blind, visually impaired, mobility, education and support technology. We searched for the literature in the databases of ScienceDirect, Medline and Google Scholar, and some literature was found in the Regional and Study Library in Murska Sobota, under the same keywords. We evaluated five books, as well as 44 studies and articles that we considered appropriate. Results: Blind and visually impaired persons are orientated and mobilized with the help of devices such as smart blind sticks and smartphone applications. The use of these devices is simple and learning how to use them is quick and easy, and with tactile and audio feedback. Information and communications technology helps with learning, communication, with mastering computer skills, and with facilitating social integration. The most commonly used application is the screen reader. Devices for everyday life play an important role in independence, leisure, and recreation.Discussion and conclusion: Results show that the smart blind stick is the most suitable device for mobility and orientation. Information and communications technology improves learning and inclusion, but reduces literacy. Devices for everyday life make life easier and contribute to the independence of the blind and visually impaired. It is important that the devices are aesthetic in appearance, affordable, and easy to use, however some of these devices are prototypes and are not in use.

Keywords:blind and visually impaired, devices, mobility and orientation, education, everyday life

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