
Problem sintetičnega spoznanja a priori v Kantovi teoretični filozofiji
ID Meden, Jernej (Author), ID Kobe, Zdravko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga si jemlje za svoje izhodišče dve temeljni problematiki Kritike čistega uma; znanstveno-teoretsko in intencionalno. Naloga na primeru izkustvenih in zaznavnih sodb opozarja na prekrivanje obeh problemom v Kantovi teoretični filozofiji ter ob tem pokazati, kako je za razvoj kritičnega projekt ključnega pomena slednji. Osrednji del naloge je podati kritično izpeljavo sintetično apriornih sodb. Ker pa je izpeljava omenjenih sodb v Kantovi teoretični filozofiji ozko vezana na poglavje analitike načel, je naloga obenem njena interpretacija. Tekst je zato moč brati na dva načina. Problemsko: kot razvijanje problema sintetično apriornega spoznanja v transcendentalnem idealizmu, ali kot interpretacijo analitike načel.

Keywords:Immanuel Kant, zaznavne in izkustvene sodbe, analitika načel, sintetične sodbe a priori.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111661 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The problem of synthetic a priori knowledge in Kant's theoretical philosophy
Our thesis is concerned with the two fundamental problems of the Critique of Pure Reason: the scientific one and the intentional one. While developing an account of judgments of experience and judgments of perception, the thesis points out the overlapping of both problems in Kant’s theoretical philosophy. Taking the intentional problem as a starting point, the paper develops an understanding of synthetic judgments a priori. However, since a discussion of synthetic a priori judgment is closely related to the “Analytic of Principles”, we have placed the Analytic at the centre of our thesis. The text could then be read in two ways: on the one hand, as dealing with the problem of synthetic knowledge a priori in transcendental idealism, or, on the other hand, as an interpretation of the “Analytic of Principles”.

Keywords:Immanuel Kant, judgments of perception and judgments of experience, analytic of principles, synthetic judgments a priori.

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