
Podnebne spremembe in pravni odgovori nanje
ID Dobrun, Naja (Author), ID Pličanič, Senko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo predstavi in kritično ovrednoti temeljno podnebno zakonodajo. Njen ključni namen je zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov – predvsem ogljikovega dioksida, ki je glavni krivec za antropogene podnebne spremembe. Naloga najprej analizira podnebno politiko in temeljne podnebne sporazume sprejete na mednarodni ravni. Glede na hierarhijo pravnih aktov in dejstvo, da je Slovenija država članica Evropske unije, magistrsko diplomsko delo nadalje obravnava podnebno zakonodajo EU. Ta za doseganje mednarodnih zavez določa dolžnost zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov, povečanja obnovljivih virov energije v končni rabi ter izboljšanja učinkovite rabe energije. Vsaka država članica nato z namenom uresničitve zavez sprejme pravne akte. Magistrsko diplomsko delo analizira slovenske pravne vire s področja podnebnih sprememb, ki poleg temeljnih zakonov in sektorske zakonodaje zajemajo tudi programske in strateške dokumente, ki sicer niso pravno zavezujoči, a kljub temu pomembni. Iz njih razberemo veljavna pravila, opise stanja okolja, cilje in stopnjo učinkovitosti ukrepov. Poleg tega pa je mogoče na njihovi podlagi identificirati sektorje, glede katerih bo treba ukrepati bolj odločno. Kot takšna se v nalogi izpostavita industrija in promet. Na podlagi analize trenutne podnebne zakonodaje lahko zaključimo, da osredotočanje zgolj na blaženje posledic podnebnih sprememb ne bo zadostovalo. Potrebno bo najti tudi učinkovit način prilagajanja nanje. Možnosti za uspeh je veliko, ključno vlogo pri tem pa bo odigralo pravo, saj nas spremlja na vsakem koraku in s svojimi določbami odraža in spreminja naš pogled na svet.

Keywords:podnebne spremembe, zmanjševanje emisij toplogrednih plinov, podnebna zakonodaja, obnovljivi viri energije, energetska učinkovitost, ukrepi blaženja in prilagajanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111643 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17037393 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Legal Answers to Climate Change
The present work presents and critically evaluates fundamental climate legislation, the core purpose of which is to reduce global greenhouse gasses emissions, particularly of carbon dioxide – the green house emission primarily responsible for anthropogenic climate change. The work first analyses international climate policy and legal framework on the international level. Considering the hierarchy of legal acts and the fact that Slovenia is a EU member state, the work continues to discuss EU climate policy and law. In order to meet international commitments, the EU must implement legislation and policy that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the production and usage of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency. Each member state is required to ratify and implement EU law through legal acts. The work analyses this process on the example of Slovenia. In addition to cardinal law and sectoral legislation, the work examines legal sources include programming and strategic documents, which may not be legally binding, but are nonetheless important as they provide an overview of the current state of the environment, current regulations, goals to be achieved and other underlying measures that have already been taken. An overview of these documents allows for the identification of fields that require more decisive actions to be taken; the present work highlights two of those fields - industry and transportation. Based on the analysis of the current climate legislation the present work concludes, that concentrating efforts on the mitigation of climate change consequences is not enough. We will also need to find ways to adapt to the future climate reality. There is plenty of possibility for success. Law will play the key role in securing it, since it accompanies us at every step while its power curbs our worldview.

Keywords:climate change, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, climate legislation, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, mitigation and adaptation measures

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