
Geografski vidiki selitve kazahstanskega glavnega mesta
ID Mislej, Urban (Author), ID Zupančič, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključni seminarski nalogi predstavim državo in novo glavno mesto ter po kratkem teoretičnem uvodu v funkcije in selitve državnih središč analitično predstavim geografske vidike selitve prestolnice Kazahstana. Ob pomoči znanstvenega aparata izluščim pet glavnih geografsko okoljskih vidikov in jih skušam kritično obravnavati. V zaključku potrdim podano hipotezo, da je šlo pri preselitvi prestolnice v večji meri za rastoče nacionalistične težnje kazaškega prebivalstva in v splošnem utrjevanje moči na severu Kazahstana, prav tako pa sem delno potrdil tudi drugi del hipoteze o selitvi glavnega mesta zaradi geostrateških prednosti prestolnice v središču države.

Keywords:Kazahstan, prestolnica, Nur-Sultan, selitev, geografski vidiki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111634 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Geographical aspects of the relocation of the Kazakhstan capital city
In the thesis, I present the country of Kazakhstan and its new capital city, make a short theoretical introduction into the functions and relocations of the capital cities, and analyze the geographical aspects of the relocation of the capital city of Kazakhstan. With the help of a scientific apparatus, I extract five major geo-environmental aspects and try to address them critically. In conclusion, I confirm the hypothesis that the relocation of the capital was largely due to the growing nationalist tendencies of the Kazakh population and in general consolidation of power in the north of Kazakhstan, I also partially confirmed the second part of the hypothesis about the relocation due to the geostrategic advantages of the capital city located in the center of the country.

Keywords:Kazakhstan, capital city, Nur-Sultan, relocation, geographical aspects

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