With this diploma thesis we wanted to research if preschool kids have a connection between coordination and climbing. We first purpously checked out in how many books we can find elementary games that develop coordination, then we organized moving program that lasted for five weeks, which was intendet for developing coordination. We tried to discover how five weeks of games or planned game tasks that develop coordination infect on climbing skills at preschool kids.
In research purposes we tested kids from age three to four in city of Ljubljana. Kids were seperated in two groups, one was experimental and the other was control. Both groups were put on test in prepared elementary games and planned tasks that develop coordination. They also climbed wooden wall bars as part of this test. Kids were rated by their ability to climb first upwards and then downwards on wooden wall bars, by Delcas teory for handability from points one to three. Experimental group took a five week training and the controled one wasn't participating in trainings. Trainings were performed two times a week at the same hour in p.e. gym. At the end we put both groups on test and compared results.
We came to conclusion that kids from experimental group did averagely better progress than the kids from control group. We also came to conclusion that elementary games and games for developing coordination took effect on climbing development at preschool kids