
Postfaktična doba kot orodje boja med normativnim novinarstvom in družbenimi mediji
ID Petrič, Nina (Author), ID Pušnik, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj magistrske naloge je z metodo poglobljenih polstrukturiranih intervjujev s šestimi novinarji, ki se dnevno bojujejo s postfaktično dobo in lažnimi novicami, proučiti aktualne spremembe v novinarstvu in (re)definiranje novinarja ter slednje problematizirati znotraj karakterizacije objektivnega novinarstva. S proučevanjem poglobljenih intervjujev bom opredelila teoretično in praktično raven normativnega novinarstva v postfaktični dobi. Indic diktira, da se medijsko pismeni zavedajo polemike o lažnih novicah in znajo razsoditi o njihovi prisotnosti znotraj medijske kulture, a jih vseeno vključujejo v svoj vsakdanjik prek spletnih družbenih medijev in na ta način ne(posredno) spodbujajo k ponavljajočemu se vzorcu tega fenomena. Družbeni mediji namreč omogočajo svobodno interakcijo in dovoljujejo ter celo spodbujajo preprosto komunikacijo, kjer polemika o resničnosti informacij ni primarna. Lažne novice in postfaktična doba posledično predstavljajo orodje boja z normativnim novinarstvom, in čeprav lažne novice niso homogeni pojav, je izbruh teh v zadnjih petih letih normativno novinarstvo in novinarstvo kot poklic postavil pod vprašaj.

Keywords:postfaktična doba, lažne novice, novinar, normativno novinarstvo, družbeni mediji.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111590 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36514397 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2019
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Title:The post-factual era as a mean of battle between normative journalism and social media
The main purpose of the master's thesis is to study current changes in journalism and (re) definition of a journalist, and to problematize it within the characterization of objective journalism, using the method of in-depth semi-structured interviews with six journalists daily battling the post-factual era and fake news. By examining in-depth interviews, I will identify the theoretical and practical levels of normative journalism in the post-factual era. Indic dictates that media literates are aware of the fake news controversy and can judge their presence within the media culture, but nevertheless incorporate it into their everyday lives through online social media and thus indirectly encourage it to repeat the pattern of the phenomenon. Namely, social media allows free interaction and permits and even encourages easy communication, where controversy over the truth of information is not primary. Consequently, fake news and the post-factual era are a mean of battle against normative journalism, and even though fake news is not a homogeneous phenomenon, the outbreak of the latter over the past five years has called into question the profession of normative journalism and journalism.

Keywords:post-factual era, fake news, journalist, normative journalism, social media.

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