
Kazenskopravna privolitev oškodovanca v medicinske posege
ID Vidovič, Miša (Author), ID Korošec, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Čeprav naslov magistrskega dela nakazuje na povezavo med medicinskimi posegi in privolitvijo pacienta, avtorica pokaže, da sta bila instituta dolgo časa nepovezana. Leta 2008 pa je začel veljati nov slovenski kazenski zakonik in določba 125. člena je povsem spremenila predhodno obravnavanje medicinskih posegov na področju kazenskega prava. Po vzoru nemške teorije in prakse slovenski zakonodajalec polno sprejme koncepcijo splošnega pojma kaznivega dejanja ter institut privolitve oškodovanca kot razlog izključitve protipravnosti z medicinskimi posegi objektivno naturalistično izpolnjenih biti telesnih poškodb. Ker predstavljena reforma ni pomembna samo za področje medicinskega prava, ampak tudi za kazensko materialno pravo nasploh, naloga predstavlja njen celovit pomen in posledice. Kljub temu pa se zdi, da se zakonodajalec členu ni dovolj posvetil. S kritično analizo člena avtorica pokaže njegove pomanjkljivosti, ki bi jih ob noveliranju kazalo izboljšati. Naloga poleg tega predstavlja, kako je 125. člen KZ-1 zaživel v praksi.

Keywords:medicinski poseg, medicinsko pravo, kazensko materialno pravo, avtonomija, samoodločba, privolitev pacienta, spoštovanje volje, objektivna koncepcija biti kaznivega dejanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111586 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16976209 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Criminal's consent of the victim to medical interventions
Even though the title of the master’s thesis implies a connection between medical interventions and a patient’s consent, the author shows that these two terms seemed to be unrelated for many years. However, in 2008 the Slovenian legislator adopted the new Criminal Code – Kazenski zakonik (KZ-1) and the implementation of article 125 dramatically changed the former criminal treatment of medical interventions. Based on German law and theory, the Slovenian legislator declares for nothing but the full acceptance of the general notion of a criminal offense. It becomes obvious that physicians’ medical intervention implies the entity of bodily injury, but it is the patient’s consent which eliminates the unlawfulness of the criminal offense and so waives the physicians’ liability. The introduced reform is important not only in terms of medical law, but it also affects the theory of substantive criminal law. Hence, the thesis presents a comprehensive overview and its implications. Nevertheless, it appears like the legislator did not consider all the aspects of the article. When critically analyzing, the author has established many imperfections which need to be improved by an amendment. The thesis also presents the realization of the article in practice.

Keywords:medical intervention, medical law, substantive criminal law, principle of the autonomy, self- determination, patient’s consent

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