
Določanje potenciala kmetije s pomočjo odločitvenega modela DEX
ID Hiti, Ana (Author), ID Udovč, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je razviti večkriterijski odločitveni model, ki bo služil kot pomoč pri procesu prestrukturiranja kmetij v Primorsko–notranjski regiji. Predvidevamo, da je z večkriterijskim odločanjem možno, ob upoštevanju potenciala kmetije, optimirati odločitveni proces prestrukturiranja kmetije. Večkriterijski model smo razvili v računalniškem programu DEXi. S pomočjo kmetijskih svetovalcev in mladega kmeta smo izbrali ključne kriterije, jim določili zalogo vrednosti in uteži kriterijem. Identificirali smo pet glavnih sklopov kriterijev (stanje kmetije, pašništvo, reja krav molznic in reja dojilj, vrtnarstvo in sadjarstvo). V spletnem orodju 1KA smo izdelali anketo, kjer so navedeni strokovnjaki ocenili pomembnost posameznih kriterijev. Uteži posameznim kriterijem smo izračunali s parno primerjavo kriterijev (AHP). Model smo preizkusili na desetih kmetijah iz Primorsko–notranjske regije. Vključili smo različne tipe kmetij iz vseh občin v regiji. Rezultat modela nam poda oceno potenciala posamezne kmetije. Razvidno je, da ima vsaka kmetija drugačen razvojni potencial. Prikazali smo tudi primerjavo potenciala kmetij glede na glavne sklope kriterijev. Najboljšo oceno ima pašništvo, kjer ima kar sedem od desetih kmetij oceno »primerno«. Manj primerna sta vrtnarstvo ter reja krav molznic in krav dojilj, najmanj pa sadjarstvo. Ocena modela prikaže realen potencial kmetije in nakaže primeren tip kmetovanja posamezne kmetije. Ocenjujemo, da ima pašništvo najboljši potencial za razvoj analiziranih kmetij, saj ima kar sedem kmetij oceno »primerno« in le ena »neprimerno«.

Keywords:kmetijstvo, strukturne spremembe, ekonomika, potencial kmetije, odločanje, modeliranje, ekspertni sistemi, DEX metoda, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111554 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4305800 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Determining the potential of farm using the DEX model
The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a multi-criteria decision model that will help in the process of farm reconstitution in the Primorsko-Notranjska Region. The supposition is that this model enables us to optimise the decision-making process of farm reconstitution by regarding the farm`s potential. The multi-criteria model was developed in the DEXi computer program. The key criteria, determination of values of these criteria and weights were chosen with the help of agricultural advisers and a young farmer. The five main group criteria were identified (farm condition, grazing, dairy cow and suckler cow, horticulture and fruit farming). The importance of individual criteria was evaluated in the online tool 1KA by the above-mentioned experts. The weights of the individual criteria were calculated by pairwise comparison of criteria (AHP). The model was tested on ten farms from the Primorsko-Notranjska Region. Different types of farms from all municipalities in the region were included. The results of the assessment indicate the potential for each farm. It can be seen that each farm has different development potential. The comparison of the farm`s potential according to the five main group criteria was also analyzed. Best rated is grazing, where seven out of ten farms have the assessment »appropriately«. Horticultural and dairy cow and suckler cow are less appropriate and the least appropriate is fruit farming. The model assessment shows the real farm`s potential and indicates the appropriate farming type for each farm. The conclusion is that grazing has the best potential for the development of the analyzed farms since seven farms have the assessment »appropriately« and only one has the assessment »inappropriately«.

Keywords:agriculture, structural changes, economics, farm potential, decision-making, modelling, expert systems, DEX method, Slovenia

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