
Vpliv dodatka različnih sredstev za vezanje vode na stabilnost goveje mesne emulzije
ID Morela, Uroš (Author), ID Demšar, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lušnic Polak, Mateja (Comentor)

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil izdelati goveje emulzije z dodatkom različnih sredstev za vezanje vode, ki bi imele primerljive ali boljše teksturne lastnosti kot tiste, proizvedene s fosfati (E 450-452). Pripravili smo 16 emulzij iz govejega mesa (v treh eksperimentalnih ponovitvah) z naslednjimi dodatki: fosfati (kontrola; 0,7 %) in tremi različnimi dodatki karagenana in ksantana (0,5 %, 0,8 %, 1 %), krompirjevega škroba (1 %, 1,5 %, 2 %) ter pripravkov Vepro (2 %, 3 %, 4 %) in Collapro (0,5 %, 1 %, 2 %). Opravili smo instrumentalne meritve barve (CIE L*, a*, b*) in teksture (analiza profila teksture, test relaksacije napetosti) ter vrednotenje senzoričnih lastnosti (opisna analiza). Emulzije govejega mesa, izdelane z različnimi sredstvi za vezanje vode, so se bistveno razlikovale v instrumentalno izmerjenih barvnih vrednostih in večini parametrov teksture (trdota, kohezivnost, gumijavost, žvečljivost, elastičnost, F0, F30 in Y30) ter v vseh obravnavanih senzoričnih lastnostih (barva, trdota, sočnost, slanost, vonj in aroma). Povečanje dodatka karagenana, ksantana in pripravka Collapro se je odražalo v spremembi barve ter teksturnih in senzoričnih profilih emulzij. Povečanje dodatka krompirjevega škroba in pripravka Vepro je vplivalo na nekatere izmerjene barvne vrednosti, merjeni parametri teksture se niso spremenili, senzorične lastnosti pa so se poslabšale le v primeru pripravka Vepro. Z linearno diskriminantno analizo smo ugotovili, da so govejim mesnim emulzijam s fosfatnim preparatom po barvi, teksturi in aromi najbolj podobne emulzije z dodatkom 1 % karagenana, sledijo pa emulzije z 0,5 % in 0,8 % karagenana in škrobom (1 %, 1,5 % in 2 %).

Keywords:goveje meso, mesna emulzija, aditivi, tekstura, fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[U. Morela]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111500 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5104504 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of different water binders on stability of beef emulsions
The aim of this master thesis was to produce beef emulsions with the addition of different water binders that would have comparable or better textural properties to those produced with phosphates (E 450-452). We prepared 16 emulsions from beef meat (as three production repetitions) with the additions of: phosphates (control; 0.7%), three different levels of carrageenan and xanthan (0.5%, 0.8%, and 1%), potato starch (1%, 1.5%, and 2%), and mixtures Vepro (2%, 3%, and 4%) and Collapro (0.5%, 1%, and 2%). Instrumental measurements of colour (CIE L*, a*, b*) and texture (texture profile analysis, stress relaxation tests) were performed, along with evaluation of the sensory attributes (descriptive analysis). These beef meat emulsions with different water binders significantly differed in their instrumentally measured colour values, most texture parameters (hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, resilience, F0, F30, Y30), and in all the sensory attributes (colour, firmness, juiciness, saltiness, smell and aroma). The increases in carrageenan, xanthan and mixture Collapro addition showed changes in the colour, texture and sensory profiles. The increases in potato starch and mixture Vepro additions affected some of the measured colour values, although the measured texture parameters were not affected, and sensory attributes were slightly affected just in case of Vepro. Linear discriminant analysis showed that beef meat emulsions with phosphate (0.7%) and carrageenan (1%) were most similar in colour, texture and aroma, followed by emulsions with 0.5% and 0.8% carrageenan and starch (1%, 1.5% in 2%).

Keywords:beef, meat emulsion, additives, texture, physico-chemical properties, sensory properties

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