
Izzivi usklajevanja partnerstva in starševstva po rojstvu otroka
ID Gabor, Nastja (Author), ID Rapuš Pavel, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6013/ This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo prikazuje izzive usklajevanja partnerstva in starševstva po prihodu novega družinskega člana. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene različne opredelitve in pogledi avtorjev na partnerstvo in partnerski konflikt. Uvodoma so prikazani različni stili reševanja konfliktov in pomen konstruktivnega reševanja konfliktov za kvaliteto partnerskega odnosa. Opisane so spremembe, ki se kažejo kot pogosti sprožilci konfliktov v partnerstvu in izhajajo iz vloge starševstva. Ob izzivih usklajevanja partnerske in starševske vloge sem se v nalogi predvsem osredotočila na tri življenjska področja, in sicer na spremembe usklajevanja vlog v gospodinjstvu, v spolnosti in pri sprejemanju nove vloge – vloge očeta ali matere. V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo delno strukturiranega intervjuja, pri štirih osebah oz. dveh parih z otroki podrobneje raziskala omenjena področja izzivov in sprememb partnerjev v novi vlogi starša. Ugotovitve kažejo, da se pari z različnimi izzivi še vedno soočijo in predvsem kažejo voljo ter razumevanje drug za drugega. Na vseh treh področjih – torej gospodinjstvu, spolnosti in vlogah so na splošno zadovoljni. Kot največjo težavo, ki se povezuje z vsemi tremi področji pa izpostavijo »manj časa drug za drugega« ter »utrujenost«, ki je po rojstvu otroka večja. Prav ti dve stvari sta velikokrat razlog za povod konflikta med partnerjema. A kljub vsemu se oba para trudita, da bi uravnavala partnerstvo in starševstvo. Vendar oba para dajeta prednost otroku in njegovim potrebam. Z diplomskim delom sem pridobila vpogled v značilnosti življenja partnerjev ob prehodu v starševstvo, v soočanje partnerjev s spremembami sicer utečenega vsakdanjega življenja in odkrila področja konfliktnosti oz. področja, kjer se partnerja soočata z več izzivi in težavami. Temeljna orientacija socialne pedagogike je usmerjenost v vsakdanji življenjski svet posameznika. Tako tudi moje diplomsko delo daje doprinos z osvetljevanjem značilnosti sodobnega partnerstva in sprememb, s katerimi se partnerja soočita v novem položaju starševstva na različnih področjih življenja.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111430 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12614217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges of creating a parenting partnership after the child's birth
The thesis depicts the challenges of harmonizing partnership and parenthood at arrival of a new family member. In the thesis are presented different definitions and views of authors on a partnership and conflicts within. In the introduction are shown different manners of conflict salving and the meaning of constructive conflict solving for the quality of a partnership. Described are the changes that are shown as frequent trigger of conflicts in partnerships resulting from parenthood role. Considering the challenges of harmonizing a partnership and a parenthood role, I mainly focused on three areas of life, and thus on changes in household role harmonization, in sex and at accepting a new role – a mother or father role. In the empirical part, by means of a partially structured interview, I researched in detail at four individuals respectively two couples with children the mentioned areas of challenges and changes of partners in new parent roles. The findings show that couples with different challenges as yet face them, and above all, they express the will and understanding for each other. In all three areas – thus household, sex and roles they demonstrate a general contentment. As the major problem, linked to all three areas, they expose »less time for each other« and »tiredness«, which is greater upon birth of a child. These two very matters are often the reason for a conflict between partners. But in spite all, both couples are trying to balance their partnership and parenthood. Yet both prioritize their child and its needs. With the thesis, I have gained an insight into characteristics of life of partners at transition into parenthood, into their confrontation with changes of otherwise settled daily life, and by that I discovered the conflict areas respectively areas where partners face more challenges and difficulties. The fundamental orientation of the social pedagogics is direction into daily living world of an individual. And so does my thesis contribute by illuminating the characteristics of modern partnership and the changes partners are faced with in the new situation of parenthood, and at different areas of life.


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