
Stališča do psihologije in psihologov - vidika javnosti in stroke : magistrsko delo
ID Malec, Nina (Author), ID Podlesek, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Popič, Damjan (Comentor)

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Izhodišče zanimanja v sestavku je ozaveščenost splošne javnosti glede karakteristik profesije psihologov. V uvodnem delu predstavimo razvoj psihologije kot teoretične in aplikativne znanosti, kot je v (zahodnem) svetu zastopana in urejena danes. Prav tako podamo konceptualni okvir prepričanj in stališč, ki nam pomaga pri umevanju javnih zaznav in stopnje poznavanja psihološke stroke. Zmotna prepričanja o psihologiji kot vedi, kompetentnosti psihologov, razponu in učinkovitosti psiholoških storitev se v moderni kulturi vraščajo tudi preko računalniško posredovane komunikacije. Raziskava je razčlenjena na dva vsebinsko in metodološko različna sklopa: prvi predstavlja preiskovanje stališč do poklica psihologov, izraženih v tvitih, forumskih objavah, v komentarjih uporabnikov na spletnih portalih novic in v blogovskih objavah v blogih skupaj s komentarji uporabnikov; drugi pa se obrača k psihologom v praksi in njihovim pogledom na stališča javnosti ter doživljanjem lastne poklicne vloge. S pregledom stališč, tako na družbenih omrežjih kot pri psihologih v praksi, ponujamo netipični vpogled v odnos laične populacije do psihologije in psihologov. Večinsko je naloga kvalitativne narave, saj temelji na interpretativni paradigmi s poudarkom na besedni obdelavi in analizi zbranega gradiva. V raziskavi ugotavljamo, da je v splošnem poznavanje psihološke stroke in njene aplikativne donosnosti na razmeroma nizki ravni. Pri stremljenju k dolgoročnemu razvoju psihološke stroke, ki zavisi od ekonomskih, socialnih in političnih ciljev, je ključnega pomena tudi najširša udeležba javnosti. Za ustrezno informiranje javnosti o psiholoških spoznanjih in delu psihologa je še veliko prostora.

Keywords:psihologija, psihologi, stališča, javno mnenje, računalniško posredovana komunikacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Malec]
Number of pages:70 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111402 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29184771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2019
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Title:The Attitudes of the Lay Public and Professionals towards Psychology and Psychologists
The primary interest of the thesis is the general public's awareness about the characteristics of the psychologists’ profession. The introduction presents the development of psychology as a theoretical and applied science as represented and regulated in the (western) world today. For situating public perceptions and gaining insight about the public’s level of knowledge about the psychological profession, a conceptional frame of attitude is provided. Misconceptions about psychology as a science, or competences held by psychologists, and various psychological services are spread in modern culture also in computer-mediated communication. The research is divided into two methodologically different sections: the first examines the attitudes towards the profession of psychologists expressed in tweets, forum posts, user comments on news portals and blog posts, together with user comments; the second approaches the view of psychologists in practice by way of interviews. By surveying the views, both on social networks and in practicing psychologists we aim to provide atypical insights into the attitudes of the lay population towards psychology and the psychologists. Most of them were of a qualitative nature, as they are based on interpretative paradigms with an emphasis on word processing in the analysis of the material. The study finds that overall knowledge of psychological profession is relatively low. In the pursuit of the long-term development of the psychological profession, which depends on economic, social and political goals, the broadest possible public participation is also crucial. There is much room for more effectively informing the public about the work of psychologists.

Keywords:psychology, psychologists, attitudes, public opinion, computer-mediated communication

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