
Analiza plavalnega nastopa svetovnih prvakov in slovenskih plavalcev v prsni tehniki : diplomsko delo
ID Slabe, Staš (Author), ID Šajber, Dorica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo analizirali določene kazalce posameznih nastopov svetovnih prvakov in najboljših slovenskih plavalk in plavalcev v prsni tehniki. Želeli smo izvedeti, pri katerih kazalcih prihaja do največjih razlik. Obravnavali smo nastope na 50-, 100- in 200-metrski razdalji v prsni tehniki. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na hitrost plavanja, frekvenco zaveslajev ter dolžino zaveslaja. Vzorec testirancev se sestoji iz petih slovenskih plavalk in plavalcev ter štirih najboljših svetovnih plavalk in plavalcev v prsni tehniki. Analiza njihovih nastopov je bila opravljena s strani analitika panožnega tima Plavalne zveze Slovenije z namenskim računalniškim programom Dartfish. Na podlagi preteklih raziskav smo ugotovili, da prihaja do največjih razlik v sami hitrosti plavanja, ki je odraz kombinacije frekvence zaveslajev in dolžine zaveslaja. Pri primerjavi podatkov ni bilo enotnega trenda izstopanja le enega izmed analiziranih kazalcev ampak so se plavalci individualno razlikovali več različnih kazalcih. Nekateri najboljši slovenski plavalci oziroma plavalke so imeli nižjo frekvenco in daljšo oziroma isto preplavano ali krajšo dolžino zaveslaja, medtem ko so drugi imeli višjo frekvenco zaveslajev ter krajšo dolžino zaveslaja. Glede na vse primerjave smo prišli do sklepa, da je bolj kot posamezen kazalec, pomembno optimalno razmerje med vsemi kazalci, ki so pogoj za uspešen nastop in dober končni rezultat plavalnega nastopa.

Keywords:Plavanje, prsna tehnika, frekvenca zaveslajev, hitrost plavanja, dolžina zaveslaja, analiza.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111376 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5610161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2019
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Title:Swimming performance analysis between world champions and the best Slovenian swimmers in breaststroke
In this diploma thesis we analyzed and compared certain indicators of individual performance between world champions and the best Slovenian swimmers in breaststroke to find out what indicators make for the biggest differences. We discussed appearances at 50, 100 and 200 meters in breaststroke. We focused primarily on swimming speed, stroke rate and distance per stroke. The test sample consisted of five Slovenian swimmers and four of the world's best swimmers in breaststroke. The analysis of their performances was carried out by an analyst of the Slovenian swimming federation team with a dedicated computer program Dartfish. Based on past research, we came to the conclusion that the largest differences occur in the speed of swimming itself, which is a reflection of the combination of the stroke rate and distance per stroke. When comparing data, there was no single trend towards only one of the analyzed indicators, but swimmers individually differed in several different indicators. Some of Slovenia's best swimmers had a lower stroke rate and a longer or the same distance per stroke, while others had a higher stroke rate and a shorter distance per stroke. Based on all the comparisons, we came to the conclusion that, rather than an individual indicator, the optimal ratio between all the indicators which are essential for a successful swim performance is required.

Keywords:Swimming, breaststroke, stroke rate, swimming velocity, distance per stroke, analysis

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