
ID Miljkovič Cvet, Katja (Author), ID Jukić, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je analizirati strategijo ter taktike digitalnega marketinga, ki jih uporablja izbrana organizacija pri svojem vsakdanjem delu. Z izdelavo unikatne strategije in preudarno izbiro taktik digitalnega marketinga lahko organizacije postanejo bolj efektivne, vplivne, obstojne ter bolj ciljno usmerjene. Za dosego ciljev sta bili uporabljeni metoda deskripcije za razlago pojmov ter teoretičnega dela ter metoda kompilacije za povzemanje predhodno opredeljenih spoznanj. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela pa je bila uporabljena metoda analize strategije ter taktik digitalnega marketinga v organizaciji. V sklopu analize je bilo ugotovljeno, da organizacija ne izkorišča vseh potencialov digitalnega marketinga, saj v povprečju le delno uspešno izkorišča taktike digitalnega marketinga. Iz dela je razvidno, da organizacija delno izkorišča potenciale digitalnega marketinga na področju optimizacije spletne strani, medtem ko potencialov ne dosega na področju e-poštnega marketinga. Velja pa omeniti, da dosega uspeh na področju video marketinga ter dosega velik uspeh na področju pomoči in podpore strankam. Rezultati, pridobljeni z raziskavo in predstavljeni v diplomskem delu, lahko izbrani organizaciji pripomorejo pri pregledu trenutnega stanja in izboljšanju obstoječe strategije ter bolj funkcionalni uporabi taktik digitalnega marketinga, ki neposredno vplivajo na doseganje zastavljenih digitalnih ciljev organizacije.

Keywords:digitalni marketing, strategija, taktike digitalnega marketinga, analitika digitalnega marketinga, analiza digitalnega marketinga organizacije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111357 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2019
MILJKOVIČ CVET, Katja, 2019, ANALIZA STRATEGIJE IN TAKTIK DIGITALNEGA MARKETINGA V IZBRANI ORGANIZACIJI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis is to analyze the strategy and tactics of digital marketing which is used for the selected organization in its everyday work. With the creation of a unique strategy and a prudent selection of digital marketing tactics, organizations can become more effective, powerful, enduring and goal oriented. In order to achieve the objectives, the method of description (for the explanation of the concepts and theoretical part) and the method of compilation (for summarizing previously defined findings) were used. In the empirical part of the bachelor’s thesis, the method of analyzing the strategy and tactics of digital marketing in an organization was used. Within the analysis, it was ascertained that the organization does not use all the potentials of digital marketing, because on average, it is only partially successful in using the tactics of digital marketing. The thesis shows that the organization uses the potentials of digital marketing in the field of optimization of the website while it does not reach the potentials in the field of email marketing. However, it is necessary to mention that it reaches success in the field of video marketing and reaches great success in the field of customer assistance and support. The results gathered by the research and presented in the bachelor’s thesis can contribute to the review of the current condition in the selected organization, as well as to the improvement of the existing strategy and the more functional use of tactics of digital marketing which influence the achievement of the set digital goals of the organization directly.

Keywords:digital marketing, strategy, tactics of digital marketing, analytics of digital marketing, analysis of digital marketing in organization

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