Human society depends on the environment for its development and progress. The environment enables or inhibits development and determines its potential directions. How human society develops depends on itself. The environmental changes we are witnessing today are the result of human action. Their consequences are evident in climate change and environmental degradation. The degradation of the environment also changes the material basis on which human society is based. The consequences can be catastrophic, food and water shortages, mass migrations, … The European Union is committed to fighting environmental change. It has set itself ambitious goals, an environmentally neutral economy and leadership in the fight against environmental change. It requires both efforts and will affect its relations with other countries. But her ventures so far are not too encouraging. In addition, the European Union will also have to deal with the consequences of environmental change beyond its borders, Africa and the Middle East (potential for conflict) and the Arctic (opening a new waterway). The geopolitical position of the European Union depends on environmental change in the European Union, on environmental change elsewhere in the world and on the European Union's response to environmental change.