
Pojavnost kondenzacijskih sledi nad Slovenijo
ID Curk, Anžej (Author), ID Skok, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kondenzacijske sledi za letali (ang. condensation trails oziroma contrails) so eden vizualno najbolj opaznih antropogenih pojavov v ozračju. Kondenzacijska sled nastane zaradi sproščanja vodne pare pri izgorevanju goriva v letalskem motorju. Vodna para, ki nastane ob izgorevanju, se v motorju združi z vodno paro iz okoliškega zraka in če skupna količina vodne pare preseže nasičenje, bo v izpuhu prišlo do kondenzacije in nastanka oblaka. Kondenzacijske sledi posledično tudi vplivajo na okolje (npr. na sevalno bilanco Zemlje). V nalogi je opravljena analiza radiosondažnih meritev (meritve opravljene v obdobju 21. 10. 2004-12. 05. 2019) z uporabo Schmidt-Applemanovega kriterija, ki določa ali pride do nastanka sledi ali ne glede na lastnosti letala ter letalskega motorja in stanja okolice. Z uporabo tega kriterija je izračunana pojavnost in razvoj morebitnih kondenzacijskih sledi nad Slovenijo. Da bodo sledi obstale na nebu daljše obdobje, more biti okoliški zrak prenasičen glede na led. Analiza je pokazala, da le v redkih primerih ozračje ni primerno za nastanek morebitnih sledi. Po drugi strani pa le v dobrih 30 % od vseh analiziranih dni je ozračje primerno za razvoj obstojni sledi. Predvsem pa je zanimivo dejstvo, da so morebitne kondenzacijske sledi le redko vidne s tal. To je predvsem zaradi oblačnosti, ki zastira pogled na morebitne sledi s tal. Povprečna debelina območja, kjer je izpolnjen pogoj za nastanek kondenzacijskih sledi, se skozi leto spreminja in je v hladnejših mesecih bistveno večja kot v poletnih mesecih. Na nastanek sledi v prvi vrsti predvsem vpliva temperatura in nekoliko manj relativna vlažnost okolice. V časovnem nizu izračunanih podatkov zgornje in spodnje meje, kjer so izpolnjeni pogoji za nastanek sledi, so prisotni blagi linearni trendi, ki pa večinoma niso statistično značilni. Podobno velja za časovni niz deleža dni, ko je Schmidt-Applemanov kriterij izpolnjen.

Keywords:Slovenija, kondenzacijske sledi, chemtrails teorija zarote
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111344 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:384937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Occurrence of contrails over Slovenia
One of the most visible anthropogenic effects on the atmosphere is the condensation trails or contrails. Contrails form for various reasons but the most important is the emission of water vapour. In order that contrails can form, air in aircraft’s plume must become saturated with water vapour. Beside visual pollution, contrails can affect the radiation budget of the surface-atmosphere system. In this master thesis analysis of radiosonde measurements is made (measurements taken in period 21. 10. 2004-12. 05. 2019), using Schmidt-Appleman criterion, which can be used to determine if contrail can form according to environment variables and properties of an aircraft. With a usage of the Schmidt-Appleman criterion computation is made to determine occurrence of the possible contrails above Slovenia. In addition to the criterion for contrail formation, persistence of contrails requires that ambient air is frost-saturated. Analysis has shown, that only in rare cases the state of the atmosphere is not suitable for formation of potential contrails. On the other hand, only 30 % off all analysed days was suitable for formation of potential persistent contrails. It is interesting that only rarely potential contrails are visible from the ground. This is, because of the lower clouds, that obstruct the view. Mean thickness of the region, where contrails can form, depends strongly on season. In colder winter months mean thickness is significantly larger than in hot summer months. Criterion for contrails depends in first place on environmental temperature and in second place on relative humidity. In the time series for upper and lower boundary of the region, where criterion for contrails is fulfilled, there are mostly no statistically significant linear trends. The same applies for percentage of days when Schmidt-Appleman criterion is fulfilled.

Keywords:Slovenia, condensation trails, chemtrail conspiracy theory

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