
Vpliv družbenih omrežij na produktivnost na delovnem mestu
ID Križanec, Sandra (Author), ID Kovačič, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družbena omrežja so postala pomemben del našega življenja in so skoraj v vseh pogledih vplivala na vse segmente naše družbe. Za mnoga podjetja so postala stalnica in veljajo za pomembno sredstvo osebne in organizacijske komunikacije, vendar pa je uporaba družbenih omrežij podjetjem oz. organizacijam prinesla tako koristi, kot izzive. Vpliv uporabe družbenih omrežij na produktivnost zaposlenih je postal sodoben raziskovalni pojav, teoretiki pa imajo glede tega deljena mnenja: eni trdijo, da uporaba na delovnem mestu pozitivno vpliva na produktivnost zaposlenih, spet drugi pa trdijo, da to vodi do prezentizma. To pomeni, da je delavec na delovnem mestu prisoten, vendar pa svojega dela ne upravlja učinkovito, kar posledično vodi do zmanjšanja produktivnosti. Ker je to področje v Sloveniji še precej neraziskano, sem s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov ugotavljala, kako zaposleni uporabljajo družbena omrežja na delovnem mestu in kaj to pomeni za njihovo produktivnost. Ugotovitve, podkrepljene s teoretično podlago na področju družbenih omrežij, absentizma, prezentizma in produktivnosti, predstavljajo doprinos k literaturi produktivnosti na delovnem mestu v povezavi z družbenimi omrežji.

Keywords:družbena omrežja, produktivnost, prezentizem, absentizem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111293 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36407645 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2019
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Title:Influence of social media on productivity in the workplace
Social media have become an important part of our lives and have in almost every way influenced all segments of our society. For many companies they have become regularity and are considered as an important means of personal and organisational communication, however, the usage of social media has brought to the companies and organizations benefits, as well as challenges. Influence of usage of social media on productivity of employees has become a modern research phenomenon, regarding which theoreticians have opposing opinions: some of them believe that the usage of social media in the workplace has a positive effect on the productivity of employees, while the others claim that this may lead to presenteeism. This means that an employee is present in the workplace, but does his job inefficiently, which leads to productivity reduction. Because this sphere is quite unexplored in Slovenia, I used survey questionnaires to reveal the way in which employees use social media in the workplace and how does this affect their productivity. These findings, substantiated with theoretical basis in the area of social media, absenteeism and productivity, represent a contribution to the literature on productivity in the workplace related to social media.

Keywords:social media, productivity, presenteeism, absenteeism.

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