
Evalvacija Mladinskega centra Gornja Radgona
ID Zorec, Ines (Author), ID Kolarič, Zinka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rihter, Liljana (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu raziskujem, v kolikšni meri so doseženi zastavljeni cilji Mladinskega centra Gornja Radgona in opozorim na ključne pomanjkljivosti z namenom izpopolnjevanja programa in delovanja mladinskega centra. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavim prosti čas mladih in izpostavim namen mladinskih centrov, ki so pomemben akter pri zagotavljanju kvalitetnega preživljanja prostega časa mladih. V teoretičnem delu se posvetim Mladinskemu centru Gornja Radgona, kjer predstavim razvoj in pomen centra, okvir delovanja in cilje mladinskega centra. V empiričnem delu predstavim izvedeno kompleksno evalvacijo, kjer sem upoštevala različne vrste in ravni evalvacije, in sicer evalvacijo vloženega napora, evalvacijo procesa, evalvacijo doseganja ciljev in evalvacijo nenamernih učinkov. Kvalitativno metodo, intervju sem uporabila pri predstavnikih izvajalca programa. Kvantitativno metodo - anketni vprašalnik pa sem uporabila pri predstavnikih soizvajalcev programa in pri uporabnikih programa. Pri slednjih je evalvacija ciljev predstavljala ključni del raziskovanja. Ključne ugotovitve na podlagi evalvacije kažejo na potrebno okrepitev informiranja mladih v sklopu informacijske točke, večjo informiranost mladih o možnosti prostovoljnega dela v mladinskem centru, vključitev mednarodnih vsebin, opredelitev načina za večje vključevanje mladih iz neformalnih skupin in kadrovsko okrepitev, ki se povezuje z veliko večino navedenih ugotovitev. Pomembna ugotovitev pa je velika vrednost Mladinskega centra Gornja Radgona kot izvajalca programa za mlade in mlade po srcu v lokalnem in širšem okolju.

Keywords:evalvacija, mladinski center, mladi, mladinsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111292 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36407901 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2019
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Title:Evaluation of the Youth center in Gornja Radgona
In the master's thesis, I explore the achieved goals of the Youth Center Gornja Radgona and I point out the key deficiencies in order to improve the program and the functioning of the youth center. In the theoretical part, I first present the free time of young people and point out the purpose of youth centers, which are an important player in ensuring high quality leisure time for young people. Second, I present the development and significance of the Youth Center Gornja Radgona, as well as the framework of activities and the goals of the youth center. In the empirical part, I present a complex evaluation that took into account different types and levels of evaluation, namely, the evaluation of the effort invested, the evaluation of the process, the evaluation of the achievement of objectives and the evaluation of unintended effects. I used qualitative and quantitative methods; interviews with the representatives of the youth center and questionnaires for the representatives of participating organizations, as well as users of the program. For the users, the evaluation of objectives was the key part of the research. Key findings based on the assessment indicate the need to strengthen youth information within the information point, to provide more information on the possibility of voluntary work in the youth center, to include international content, to define the way to increase the inclusion of young people from informal groups and to provide additional employment, which is connected with the vast majority of the mentioned findings. An important finding is the high value of the Youth Center Gornja Radgona, as a provider of a program for young people and those young by heart, for the local and wider environment.

Keywords:evaluation, youth center, youth, youth work

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