
Čustveno spoprijemanje v kriznih situacijah, samokontrola, zadovoljstvo s partnerskim odnosom in družinskim življenjem pri poklicnih gasilcih
ID Mravlja, Maruša (Author), ID Pate, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poklicni gasilci opravljajo intervencijski poklic in so pri svojem delu izpostavljeni raznim nevarnostim. Njihovo delo zahteva stalno pripravljenost in predanost. Nenehna izpostavljenost kriznim in stresnim situacijam pomeni ogromen vpliv na gasilčevo življenje. Vpliv se kaže na telesni, čustveni, vedenjski ravni gasilca ter na področju medsebojnih odnosov. Namen naše raziskave je bil preveriti, kakšen je vpliv stresa na delovnem mestu, kakšno je ozaveščanje in izražanje čustev poklicnih gasilcev ob doživljanju stresnih situacij na delovnem mestu ter njihov občutek samokontrole. Pri tem nas je zanimalo tudi, kako se slednje povezuje z doživljanjem zadovoljstva s partnerskim in družinskim življenjem. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 389 udeležencev, od tega je bilo 125 poklicnih gasilcev ter 264 prostovoljnih gasilcev. V raziskovalni del smo vključili kontrolno skupino, torej prostovoljne gasilce. Namen je bil primerjati skupini gasilcev v omenjenih značilnostih oz. pojavih in ugotoviti, ali med njima obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike. Pri zbiranju podatkov smo najprej zastavili nekaj osnovnih demografskih gasilskih vprašanj, nato pa uporabili štiri vprašalnike: Vprašalnik na čustva usmerjenega spoprijemanja (EAC), Načrt samokontrole (SCS), Vprašalnik zakonskega zadovoljstva (KMS) in Vprašalnik zadovoljstva z lastno družino (KFLS). Statistično pomembna pozitivna povezanost se je v raziskavi pokazala med stresnostjo delovnega mesta gasilcev in njihovim procesiranjem ter izražanjem čustev. Ugotovili smo tudi, da višja zmožnost izražanja čustev poklicnih gasilcev pomeni večje zadovoljstvo v partnerskem življenju. V primerjavi rezultatov med skupinama poklicnih in prostovoljnih gasilcev pa smo ugotovili, da obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v doživljanju stresnosti nekaterih intervencij in v določenih kriznih situacijah. Prostovoljnim gasilcem predstavljajo le-te večji stres kot poklicnim gasilcem. Do statistično pomembnih razlik med poklicnimi in prostovoljnimi gasilci pa prihaja še pri občutku samokontrole. Izkazalo se je, da imajo prostovoljni gasilci večji občutek samokontrole v primerjavi s poklicnimi gasilci. Rezultati so skladni s pregledano literaturo in dosedanjimi raziskavami, ki se navezjejo na stresnost gasilskega dela. Delo je samo po sebi stresno in zahteva ustrezno psihosocialno obravnavo. Gasilskemu poklicu in prostovoljnemu gasilskemu delu namenjamo premalo pozornosti, predvsem z vidika strokovne pomoči. Med profesionalnimi gasilci je še vedno prisoten sindrom uniformiranih uslužbencev, kar pomeni, da gasilci težko izrazijo čustva in težko priznajo, da potrebujejo pomoč. Zato so mnogokrat spregledani in zapostavljeni. Večino stresnih in kriznih situacij dojemajo kot običajen del poklica. O čustveni regulaciji in samokontroli v njihovem poklicu ni raziskav, ki bi jim pomagale in narekovale, kako uspešno premagovati stres in travmatične dogodke. Posledično pa tudi izboljševati medosebne odnose, tako v partnerskem kot tudi družinskem življenju. Omenjene ugotovitve odpirajo nova vprašanja in nakazujejo na pomembno področje, ki ga je potrebno dalje raziskovati zlasti z namenom oblikovanja psihosocialnih intervenc za boljšo čustveno regulacijo, spoprijemanje s stresom in kakovostnejše življenje tako poklicnih, kot tudi prostovoljnih gasilcev.

Keywords:poklicni gasilci, prostovoljni gasilci, stres na delovnem mestu, krizne situacije, čustveno spoprijemanje, samokontrola, zadovoljstvo v partnerskih odnosih, zadovoljstvo v družinskih odnosih
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Mravlja]
Number of pages:VIII, 92, X str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111280 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8199258 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Emotional coping in stressful situations, self-control, satisfaction with romantic relationship and family life among professional firefighters
Professional fire-fighters pursue a profession that includes interventions and are thus directly exposed to various kinds of danger. Their work demands regular stand-by duty and commitment. Continuous exposure to crisis and stressful situations has a significant impact on the life of fire-fighters. It is reflected at the physical, emotional, behavioural level of a fire-fighter and in the field of interrelationships. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of stress at work, the level of awareness-raising and expressing emotions of professional fire-fighters when experiencing stressful situations at work and their sense of self-control. The study also addressed the issue how self-control is related to experiencing satisfaction with partnership relationships and family life. It included 389 participants, of which 125 were professional fire-fighters and 264 voluntary fire-fighters. The research work included a control group, i.e. voluntary fire-fighters. The purpose was to compare the respective groups of fire-fighters in terms of the above-stated characteristics or phenomena and to establish if there are any statistically significant differences between them. In collecting data, several basic demographic fire-fighting questions were asked, and then four questionnaires were used, namely: Questionnaire related to Emotional Approach Coping (EAC), Self-Control Schedule (SCS), Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMS), and Kansas Family Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (KFLS). The statistical significant positive correlation was established between the stressfulness of the post of fire-fighters and their processing and expressing emotions. It was also established that greater ability of professional fire-fighters to express emotions means greater satisfaction in partnership relationships. In terms of comparisons between the groups, the results obtained indicate that there are statistically significant differences between the respective groups of fire-fighters, namely: in experiencing stress in some interventions and certain crisis situations. These interventions and crisis situations present greater stress to voluntary fire-fighters compared to professional fire-fighters. There are also statistically significant differences between professional and voluntary fire-fighters with regard to the sense of self-control. It was established that voluntary fire-fighters have a greater sense of self-control compared to the professional fire-fighters. The results are consistent with the literature and researches which are related to the stress of the fire-fighters work. Work is inherently stressful and requires appropriate psychosocial treatment. We do not have appropriate attention to the professional and voluntary fire-fighters, especially in terms of professional assistance and help. The »syndrome of uniformed employees« is still present among professional fire-fighters, which means that they difficult express their emotions and rarely ask or admit that they need help. Therefore, they are often overlooked and neglected. Most of stress and crisis situations are perceived as a normal part of their profession. There are no researches or results on emotional regulation and self-control in their profession, which can help them dictate how to successfully deal with stress and trauma. Especially, how to improve interpersonal relationships, in partner and family life. These findings open new questions and point to an important area that needs to be further explored, in particular with a view to designing psychosocial interventions for better emotional regulation, coping with stress and a better quality of life for both groups, professional and volunteer fire-fighters.

Keywords:professional fire-fighters, voluntary fire-fighters, stress at work, crisis situations, emotional coping, self-control, satisfaction with partnership relationships, satisfaction with family relationships

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