
Doživljanje pomena duhovnosti pri potravmatski rasti : magistrsko delo
ID Kovač, Zinka (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Travmatičen dogodek je izkušnja, ki globoko zaznamuje posameznika in vpliva na njegovo življenje in delovanje. A kljub temu travma in njene posledice niso zadnja točka v doživljanju posameznika. To spoznanje ima v religioznih in filozofskih sistemih bogato zgodovino, empirično raziskovanje tega fenomena, ki se imenuje potravmatska rast, pa je dokaj novo. Predelana travma lahko v življenje prinese veliko pozitivnih sprememb, kot so cenjenje in povečana hvaležnost za življenje, empatija, povečana vrednost in pomen medosebnih odnosov, spoznanje lastne moči, večja odprtost za čustveno izražanje, poglobljena duhovnost in mnoge druge. Pomembno vlogo pri soočanju s travmo in pri potravmatski rasti ima tudi duhovnost. Duhovna prepričanja lahko osebam, ki se soočajo s stresnimi dogodki nudijo veliko podporo in pomoč. Je namreč mesto, kjer lahko veliko eksistencialnih vprašanj, ki se porajajo ob travmi in zahtevajo razlage izven fizičnega sveta, vsaj do neke mere dobi odgovor. V magistrskem delu smo s pomočjo kvalitativne fenomenološke psihološke metode raziskovanja želeli dobiti vpogled v doživljanje pomena duhovnosti pri potravmatski rasti. Globlji vpogled v doživljanje najpomembnejših elementov odnosa s presežnim in pomena duhovnosti pri potravmatski rasti smo pridobili z uporabo polstrukturiranih intervjujev, ki smo jih opravili s petimi udeleženci. Žrtve travm boleča občutja lahko predelajo le v ljubečem, varnem odnosu in v tej raziskavi smo ugotovili, da je lahko varen odnos, ki je vir moči in ki omogoča predelavo bolečih občutij, tudi odnos s presežnim.

Keywords:travma, potravmatska rast, duhovnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Kovač]
Number of pages:V, 74, I str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111279 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8199002 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing the importance of spirituality in the postraumatic growth
A traumatic event is an experience that deeply marks the individual and affects his life and performance. However, trauma and its consequences are not the last point in the experience of an individual. This realization has a rich history in religious and philosophical systems, but the exploration of this phenomenon (post–traumatic growth) is quite new. Processed trauma can bring many positive changes to life, such as appreciation and increased gratitude for life, empathy, increased value and the importance of interpersonal relationships, the realization of their own power, greater openness to emotional expression, in–depth Spirituality and many others. Spirituality has an important role to play in the face of trauma and post–traumatic growth. Spiritual beliefs can offer people who are confronted with stressful events great support and assistance. It is a place where many existential issues that are being raised along the trauma and require explanations outside the physical world, at least to some extent get the answer. In the master thesis we wanted to gain insight into the experience of the importance of spirituality in post–traumatic growth through a qualitative phenomenological method of research. A deeper insight into the experience of the most important elements of the relationship with the transcendent and the importance of spirituality in post–traumatic growth was gained through the use of semi–structured interviews, which we conducted with five participants. The victims of trauma painful feelings can only be processed in a loving, safe relationship and in this study we found that a safe relationship, which is a source of power and which allows the processing of painful feelings, can also be a relationship with transcendent.

Keywords:trauma, Post-traumatic Growth, Spirituality

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