
Študija primera treninga maksimalne moči vrhunskega športnika v judu : diplomsko delo
ID Jereb, Andraž (Author), ID Rauter, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šimenko, Jožef (Comentor)

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MD5: C8542031F3135BE4BA8261A5719C9F74

Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti in opisati vse vrste gibalne sposobnosti moči. Pri tem je bil glavni poudarek diplomskega dela na dvigu maksimalne moči in študiji primera le-te na vrhunskem športniku judoistu. Moč kot temeljna gibalna sposobnost ter maksimalna moč kot njena vrsta s svojimi učinki močno vpliva na posameznikovo uspešnost na terenu in v specifičnih okoliščinah športa. Pri vrhunskih športnikih so vse gibalne sposobnosti razvite na zelo visokem nivoju, določene že do platoja. Za razliko od drugih gibalnih sposobnosti se s treningom dviga maksimalne moči ter posledično tudi splošne moči izboljša uspešnost v specifičnih trenažnih in tekmovalnih okoljih. Kot omenjeno jedro diplomske naloge predstavlja maksimalna moč. Le-ta je dobro opisana in predstavljena. Pred začetkom treninga maksimalne moči je predhodno potrebno pravilno tehnično izvajanje vaj in dobra telesna priprava, gibljivost in ogretost telesa. Pri tej vrsti treninga gre za vzburjenost tako mišičnega kot tudi živčnega sistema. To pomeni, da je trening maksimalne moči energetsko zelo potraten, kljub temu da je število ponovitev zelo majhno. Ker gre pri vadbi za premagovanje velike teže bremen, je pomembna pravilna asistenca in medsebojno zaupanje vadečega ter asistenta. Poleg splošnih dejstev o treningu maksimalne moči je dodatna vrednost in pomemben del diplomske naloge vključitev razvoja in dviga slednje v študijo primera vrhunskega judoista. Pri tem gre za predstavitev cikilizacije celotne vadbe in vključitev treninga maksimalne moči v že tako natrpan program treninga in tekmovanj. Med dvema cikloma maksimalne moči so bila opravljena tri testiranja mejne teže. Drugo in končno testiranje kažeta na visok dvig sposobnosti. Trening maksimalne moči je vseboval pet vaj s prostimi utežmi. Vaje, ki so se izvajale, so: počep, pri katerem se je maksimalna moč glede na prvo testiranje dvignila za 9,5 %, mrtvi dvig, ki se je izboljšal za 17,2 % glede na prvo testiranje, nalog, pri kateremu se je moč povečala za 14,4 %, za 14,4 % se je povečala moč pri potisku s prsi. Moč potega k prsim se je glede na prvo testiranje povečala za 18,7 %. Njihovo izvajanje je v nalogi slikovno predstavljeno.

Keywords:judo, borilni športi, maksimalna moč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111272 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5602737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:A case study of maximum strength training of a professional athlete in judo
The purpose of this thesis is to present and describe all types of strength as a movement ability. The main focus of this work is on improving and raising maximum strength with the case study on a professional judo athlete. Strength as a fundamental movement ability and maximum strength as its kind strongly effect and influence on athletes individual's performance and success. With top athletes, all movement skills are developed at a very high level, determined by the plateau. Unlike other movement skills, training of maximum strength, and consequently, training of general strength improve the success of specific training and competitive environments. As mentioned, the core of this thesis focuses on the development of maximum strength, which is well described and presented. Before starting maximum strength training, the proper technical implementation and correct execution of exercises are required as well as an adequate warm-up. This type of training involves arousal in both the muscular and nervous system, which means that the training is very energy-demanding, despite the small number of repetitions. Because this training is about overcoming heavy loads it is essential to assist appropriately and to establish trust between the assistant and the athlete performing the maximal movement. In addition to the general facts about maximum strength training an essential part of this thesis, that adds additional value, is the implementation of development and elevation of the latter on an example of a professional judo athlete. The thesis is also presenting the entire training program and application of maximum strength training into an already packed cyclisation program. Between two cycles of maximum strength we did three tests of main weight. The second and final test indicates a high increase in the one-repetition maximum testing. The training program consisted of five exercises using free weights. The exercises performed were: squats in which maximum strength improved by 9.5 %, deadlift by 17.2 %, bench push by 14.4 %, bench pul by 18.7 % and clean pull improved by 14.4 % in reference to the first test. Their implementations are visually shown in the thesis.

Keywords:judo, combat sports, maximal strength

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