
Ekonomska analiza ukrepov za zaposlovanje mladih
ID Udovč, Urška (Author), ID Zajc, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo z naslovom Ekonomska analiza ukrepov za zaposlovanje mladih predstavlja analizo položaja mladih na trgu dela in ukrepov, ki jih je država sprejela po zadnji gospodarski krizi za izboljšanje njihovega položaja. Ta je še dodatno opozorila na problematičen položaj mladih na trgu dela, saj so bili v obdobju krize prav mladi tisti, ki so med prvimi izgubili zaposlitev. Brezposelnost mladih je kompleksen problem, na katerega vpliva več dejavnikov, ki se med seboj prepletajo in součinkujejo. Država se je tega problema lotila predvsem z okrepljenim izvajanjem ukrepov aktivne politike zaposlovanja ter s sprejemom reform in zakonov, ki so usmerjeni k problematiki brezposelnosti mladih. V magistrskem delu najprej opredelim mlade ter predstavim njihov položaj na trgu dela z vidika njihove delovne aktivnosti. Sledi opredelitev problema brezposelnosti mladih s poudarkom glavnih dejavnikov brezposelnosti ter predstavitev ključnih ukrepov države na tem področju. Zaključim s predstavitvijo analize učinkov, ki so jih ukrepi države imeli na ključne težave mladih na trgu dela in ob vstopu nanj.

Keywords:mladi na trgu dela, brezposelnost mladih, zaposlovanje mladih, mladinski trg dela, APZ, reforma trga dela, spodbujanje zaposlovanja mladih
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111263 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16982353 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Economic analysis of youth employment measures
This thesis presents the analysis of the position of youth in the labour market, and the measures taken by the state following the last economic crisis to improve their position. The crisis provided further warnings about the youth’s problematic position in the labour market, as they were some of the first people to lose their employment. Youth unemployment is a complex problem, influenced by a variety of intertwining and cooperating factors. The state initially attempted to mend this problem especially by a reinforced execution of active employment policies, as well as by adopting reforms and laws directed towards solving the youth unemployment issue. This thesis’ first part defines youth and presents their position in the labour market from the viewpoint of their work activity. Following that, the problem of youth unemployment is presented with an emphasis on the major unemployment factors and the presentation of the state’s key measures to remedy the issue. Finally, an analysis is presented of the effects the state’s measures left on the youth employment and the main issues they are faced with when they enter the labour market.

Keywords:youth in labour market, youth unemployment, youth employment, youth labour market, APZ, labour market reform, youth employment promotion

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