
Osebnostne značilnosti specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov na njihovem delovnem mestu
ID Grebenc, Veronika (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Učinkovitost pedagoških delavcev še zdaleč ni odvisna le od njihove izobraženosti, ampak tudi od njihove osebnosti. Poučevanje je namreč več kot le primeren program, sledenje učnemu načrtu, nudenje znanja, dobra izraba časa, izbor ustreznih pripomočkov. Je proces, v katerem enega izmed bistvenih vidikov predstavlja odnos med učenci in pedagogom. Slednji pa ne deluje le v skladu s strokovnimi kompetencami, temveč poučuje in vzgaja z zgledom in celotno svojo osebnostjo, kar nadalje vpliva na vedenje, razvoj spretnosti in znanj učencev. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kakšne so osebnostne značilnosti specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov (v nadaljevanju SRP) in kako se te izražajo na njihovem delovnem mestu. Namen je bil ugotoviti prisotnost določenih osebnostnih lastnosti pri SRP ter ugotoviti statistično povezanost z različnimi vidiki njihovega dela z učenci s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju PP). Raziskava je tako temeljila na vprašalniku, katerega prvi del je bil namenjen odkrivanju osebnostne usmerjenosti, drugi del pa ugotavljanju, kako SRP ravnajo pri svojem delu z osebami s PP. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 97 SRP. Od tega je 97,9 % žensk in 2,1 % moških. V povprečju v vzgojno-izobraževalni ustanovi poučujejo 12,2 let (SD = 10,2). Trenutno so zaposleni v različnih programih, ki se izvajajo za otroke in mladostnike s PP, in sicer jih 21,6 % dela v posebnem programu vzgoje in izobraževanja, 23,7 % v prilagojenem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, 4,1 % v prilagojenem programu z enakovrednim izobrazbenim standardom ter 50,5 % v programu s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo. Rezultati kažejo, da imajo SRP najbolj izražene osebnostne lastnosti samospoštovanja, samoaktualizirajočih vrednot in sinergije, najmanj pa samosprejemanja, eksistencialnosti in sprejemanja agresivnosti. Ugotovili smo, da na področju časovne ustreznosti obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v izražanju osebnostnih lastnosti SRP glede na leta njihovih delovnih izkušenj, in sicer imajo SRP z malo in veliko izkušnjami pomembno višjo vrednost te dimenzije od SRP začetnikov. Nobena proučevana osebnostna lastnost se statistično pomembno ne povezuje z odnosom SRP do otrok, obstaja pa 8 statistično pomembnih povezav med osebnostnimi lastnostmi SRP in načinom njihovega delovanja v razredu. Od tega je največ korelacij (4) s podpodročjem doslednosti. Med osebnostnimi lastnostmi in strategijami reševanja konfliktov se je pokazalo kar 17 statistično pomembnih povezav. Osebnostne lastnosti se največkrat pomembno povezujejo s strategijo umika (8 statistično pomembnih povezav). Izmed vseh osebnostnih lastnosti se s strategijami reševanja konfliktov najbolj povezuje zmožnost intimnega stika – pokazale so se statistično pomembne povezave z vsemi strategijami reševanja konfliktov, razen s konfrontacijo. Spoznali smo tudi, da na področjih časovne ustreznosti, usmerjenosti navznoter, spontanosti, samospoštovanja in zmožnosti intimnega stika obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike med SRP, ki se s stresom soočajo različno učinkovito. Z magistrskim delom želimo prispevati k boljšemu poznavanju obravnavane tematike ter SRP spodbuditi k zavedanju o pomembnosti njihove osebnosti, saj se le-ta odraža tudi pri njihovem pedagoškem delu.

Keywords:osebnostne lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111254 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12608841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Personality traits of special education and rehabilitation teachers at work
The efficiency of teachers in no way solely depends on their education, but also on their personality. Teaching comprises more than just having an adequate programme, following the curriculum, offering knowledge, making a good use of time, choosing the right teaching accessories. It is a process in which the relation between the teacher and the pupils represents one of the essential aspects. The teacher does not only act in accordance with his professional competences, but also teaches and educates with his example and his complete personality, which further influences the behaviour, the development of skills and the knowledge of the pupils. In the master’s thesis there were investigated the personality traits of special education and rehabilitation teachers (in further text abbreviated as SRP) and how these were manifested at work. The intention was to establish the presence of certain personality traits of the SRP and to determine their statistical relationship with different aspects of their work with pupils with special needs. Thus, the investigation was based on a questionnaire, the first part of which was intended to discover the personal orientation and the second one to find out how the SRP acted while working with persons with special needs. Ninety-seven SRP took part in the investigation, 97.9% females and 2.1% males. On average, they had worked in educational institutions for 12.2 years (SD = 10.2). At the moment of investigation, they were employed in different programmes for children and adolescents with special needs: 21.6% worked in the special education programme, 23.7% in the adapted programme with a lower learning standard, 4.1% in the adapted programme with an equal learning standard, and 50.5% in the programme with adapted implementation and additional professional aid. The results show that the most distinctive personality traits of the SRP were self-regard, self-actualising values and synergy, whereas the personality traits of self-acceptance, existentiality and acceptance of aggression were the least manifest ones. It was found out that in the area of time competence statistically significant differences in the manifestation of personality traits of the SRP existed with respect to the duration of their work experience, namely the SRP with little or much experience had a significantly higher values of this dimension in comparison with the SRP beginners. No investigated personality trait had a statistically significant connection to the attitude of the SRP to children, yet there existed eight statistically significant connections between the personality traits of the SRP and the manner of their acting in class. The greatest number of correlations (4) existed with the sub-area of consistency. Between the personality traits and the conflict resolution stategies, however, 17 statistically significant connections could be detected. Personality traits were most times significantly connected with retreat strategy (eight statistically significant connections). Of all personality traits, the capacity for intimate contact had the closest connection with the conflict resolution strategies – statistically significant connections with all conflict resolution strategies except confrontation could be detected. It was also found that in the areas of time competence, inner directed supports, spontaneity, self-regard and capacity for intimate contact, there existed statistically significant differences among the SRP confronting stress with different degrees of effectivity. The intention of the master’s thesis was to contribute to a better knowledge of the topic and to encourage the awareness of the importance of their personality in the SRP since this was also reflected in their educational work.

Keywords:personality traits

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