
ID Tucelj, Ivana (Author), ID Hribar Lee, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Adheziv, s trivialnim imenom lepilo, je material, ki je zmožen držati skupaj trden material s pomočjo površinske pritrditve. Zatorej je adhezija pojav lepljenja oziroma zlepljenja površin. V diplomskem delu sem preučila različne vrste adhezivov in njihovo uporabo. Predvsem pa sem se osredotočila na viskoznost adhezivov. Viskoznost je merilo za medsebojno zaviranje gibajočih se plasti tekočine, od katerega je odvisna njihova sposobnost pretakanja. S pomočjo literaturnih podatkov sem preučila vpliv molske mase kavčuka ter vsebnosti smol v kavčuku na viskoznost adhezivov iz naravnega kavčuka. Ugotovila sem, da se viskoznost adheziva poveča pri večji molski masi kavčuka kot tudi pri večji vsebnosti smol. Za primer proteinskega adheziva iz soje sem v literaturi poiskala podatke o vplivu viskoznosti adheziva na njegove lastnosti. Ugotovila sem, da adhezivi z manjšo viskoznostjo bolje omočijo površino pri nanašanju, na moč stika pa vpliva tudi tlak, ki so ga uporabili pri stiskanju (pripravi stika).

Keywords:Adhezivi, adhezija, lepilo, vezava, viskoznost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111242 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538437315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Adhesive, it’s trivial name is glue, is a material that is capable of holding together solid material with a help of surface attachment. Therefore, adhesion is occurrence of bonding of surfaces. In my diploma thesis I studied different adhesives and their use. I mainly focused on viscosity of adhesives. Viscosity is a measure of the inhibition of moving layers of a liquid, on which it’s ability to stream depends. With a help of literature, I studied the effect of rubber’s molecular mass and resin content in rubber on viscosity of natural rubber. It was concluded that viscosity of adhesive increases with the increase of molecular mass of the rubber and the content of resins. From literature I searched data on soybean protein adhesive and it’s properties and effect of viscosity. It was concluded that adhesives with lower viscosity wet the surface better when applied, and the adhesion strength is affected by the pressure, which was applied during the adhesion process.

Keywords:Adhesives, adhesion, glue, bond, viscosity

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