
Uporaba informacijskega modeliranja gradenj (BIM) pri projektiranju električnih inštalacij na plovilih
ID ŠTUMPFL, GREGOR (Author), ID Bizjak, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu magistrske naloge smo podrobno opisali BIM in njegove lastnosti. BIM postaja zaradi svojega hitrega načina projektiranja, avtomatičnega generiranja 3D modela, možnega tesnega sodelovanja vseh vpletenih strok in možnosti vpeljave dodatnih koordinat zelo popularno orodje. S svojim pristopom omogoča izris informacijskega modela, v katerem se poleg arhitekturnih načrtov pojavijo tudi strojne, električne, vodovodne in druge inštalacije. V magistrskem delu smo podrobno predstavili električne elemente in uporabo BIM pri projektiranju električnih inštalacij na primeru jadrnice. Za izris načrtov smo uporabili programsko opremo Autodesk Revit. Prva faza projektiranja se je pričela z določanjem vseh virov in porabnikov. Potem smo glede na potrebe jadrnice ocenili specifikacije virov in jih povezali s porabniki. Glede na ocenjene specifikacije smo dimenzionirali vodnike in varovalke in pri tem upoštevali termično obremenitev in padec napetosti glede na dolžino vodnikov. V zadnji fazi projektiranja smo računsko preverili, ali so viri pravilno dimenzionirani in zaščiteni. V zaključku naloge smo na kratko primerjali programski opremi AutoCAD in Autodesk Revit. V magistrski nalogi smo prišli do zaključka, da Revit še ni primeren za naprednejše električne inštalacije. Revitovo nepoznavanje osnovnih električnih elementov, enosmernega napajanja, nepopolnega prikazovanja položenih vodnikov ter nenatančen prikaz priključkov na porabnikih dokazuje, da ima program, glede električnega dela, še ogromno prostora za napredek. Te pomanjkljivosti lahko pri večjih projektih privedejo do dodatnega dela znotraj električnih inštalacij.

Keywords:BIM, električne inštalacije, projektiranje, dimenzioniranje, plovila, jadrnica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111241 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Title:Use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in design of electrical installations on vessels
In this master’s thesis we analysed the functionality of BIM and its characteristics. BIM is becoming a widely popular tool in the architecture and engineering world. It allows us to generate different information models in which we can include all the MEP and architecture plans. We defined the electrical elements and their use with BIM for planning the electrical installation on a sailboat. The tool used for the planning of the electrical installation was Autodesk Revit. The first phase of planning consisted of specifying the electrical sources and loads. In the second phase we evaluated the parameters of the power sources and loads, so they would meet the demands of the sailboat. After the evaluation we calculated the proper size of the conductors and fuses. The calculations were based on the voltage drop and the thermal workload. In the last phase we checked, based on our evaluation, if the electrical sources, loads, conductors and fuses were properly dimensioned and protected. The last chapter consists of a short comparison between two frequently used programs, Autodesk Revit and AutoCAD. We concluded that Revit still has room to improve, regarding the electrical part of the program. In Revit we are unable to use basic electrical components and DC power systems. Also, the inaccurate visualization of electrical connections and laid conductors can cause problems, when connecting power supplies to different loads. Because of these problems, the time for planning can greatly increase. These flaws can greatly increase the chance of mistakes, especially in buildings, which consist of complex electrical installations.

Keywords:BIM, electrical installations, planning, dimensioning, vessels, sailboat

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