
Nezgode v gozdarstvu v informacijskem sistemu za poročanje o intervencijah in nesrečah (SPIN)
ID Lipužič, Benjamin (Author), ID Poje, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi so bili za obdobje 2007-2018 analizirane nezgode pri delu v gozdu iz informacijskega sistema SPIN. Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti aplikacijo SPIN, delovanje aplikacije in način zbiranja podatkov, predvsem pa analizirati večletne statistične podatke o gozdarskih nezgodah, ki se zbirajo s pomočjo aplikacije. Pregledali smo bazo zapisov klicev na krizni center in izločili klice, ki opisujejo nezgodo pri delu v gozdu. Analiziranih je bilo 563 nezgod. Rezultati kažejo, da so se ponesrečenci v 14 % smrtno ponesrečili, v 7 % težje, v ostalem deležu pa je resnost poškodbe neznana. Število vseh nezgod je močno odvisno od poseka in površine zasebnih gozdov. Nezgode se v časovni analizi razporejajo primerljivo z dosedanjim raziskavam, prav tako pri poškodovanih delih telesa in vzrokih, virih nezgode ter vrstah dejavnosti. Podatki iz aplikacije SPIN so bolj uporabni za spremljanje časovne razporeditve nezgod, podatkov o poškodovanih telesnih delih ter vzrokih in virih nezgod, manj zanesljivi pa za ocenjevanje števila nezgod glede resnost nezgod in načrtovanje ukrepov za njihovo zmanjšanje.

Keywords:gozdarstvo, delovne nezgode, informacijski sistem za poročanje o intervencijah in nesrečah, SPIN, analiza nezgod
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[B. Lipužič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111222 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5497766 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Forestry accidents in intervention and accident reporting information system
In the diploma thesis we analyzed forestry accidents based on intervention and accident reporting information system (SPIN) for the 2007-2018 period. The purpose of the research was to present the SPIN application, the operation of the application and the method of data collection, and above all to analyze the multi-annual statistics on forestry accidents in it. We reviewed calls to the crisis center and extracted calls describing an accident while working in the forest. 563 accidents were analyzed. The results show that for 14 % of injured people accidents were fatal, 7 % were severely injured and for the rest, severity of the injury is unknown. The number of all incidents depends heavily on felling and the area of private forests. Accidents in the time analysis are comparable with the previous research, as well as in the damaged parts of the body and causes, sources and types of the accident. SPIN data is more useful for monitoring the timing of accidents, data on damaged parts and causes and sources, and less reliable for estimating the number of accidents in terms of the severity and reducing measures.

Keywords:forestry, occupational accidents, intervention and accident reporting information system, SPIN, accident analysis

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