
Vpliv plesa na kakovost življenja starejših odraslih : diplomsko delo
ID Živković, Sara (Author), ID Hiti, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Življenjska doba se vse bolj daljša in posledično se veča število starejših odraslih. S staranjem postopoma pride do zmanjšanja telesne zmogljivosti in poveča se tveganje za nastanek številnih bolezni. Za izboljšanje telesne pripravljenosti in kvalitete življenja je pomembno biti čim bolj telesno dejaven. Z redno vadbo lahko ohranjamo telesno, duševno in družbeno delovanje ter pripomoremo k uspešnemu staranju. Ples kot oblika telesne dejavnosti ima različne značilnosti, ki koristijo zdravju in tudi družbenim odnosom. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na osnovi pregleda strokovne literature ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv imajo različne oblike plesa na kakovost življenja starejših odraslih. Metode dela: Pri iskanju strokovne literature smo uporabili podatkovne baze DiKUL, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PubMed, ProQuest in PEDro. Iskali smo članke, objavljene med letoma 2009 in 2019, v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Ključne besede oz. kombinacije, ki smo jih uporabili, so v angleškem jeziku: elderly, older adults, dance, dance therapy, quality of life oz. v slovenskem jeziku: starostniki, ples, starejši odrasli, terapija s plesom, kakovost življenja. Rezultati: Glede na vključitvene kriterije smo v naš pregled literature vključili sedem študij. Vseh sedem študij, vsaka z drugačno obliko plesa, je ugotovilo izboljšanje kakovosti življenja starejših odraslih. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da je izboljšanje kakovosti življenja po udeležbi v plesni program lahko posledica ali kombinacija več različnih faktorjev. Povečuje telesno pripravljenost in dobro počutje, s čimer se izboljša tudi kakovost življenja. Poleg tega vsebuje družbeno in čustveno interakcijo ter spodbuja razmišljanje. Povečuje tudi kreativnost in ravnotežje. Vse te lastnosti pozitivno vplivajo na posameznika in posledično povečujejo kakovost življenja. Ples je zabavna oblika telesne dejavnosti, ki lahko pritegne starejše odrasle, da postanejo bolj telesno dejavni. Prav uživanje v telesni dejavnosti poveča učinek vadbe in bolj verjetno je, da postane del življenjskega sloga. Glede na našteto je ples zelo ustrezna oblika telesne dejavnosti za starejše odrasle, saj kot preventivna dejavnost upočasnjuje s starostjo pogojene spremembe in posledično prispeva k uspešnemu staranju.

Keywords:telesna dejavnost, zdravo staranje, dobro počutje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111212 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5699179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Title:The impact of dance on the quality of life in older adults : diploma work
Introduction: Life expectancy is becoming more and more prolonged and consequently the number of older adults is increasing. With aging there is a decrease in body capacity and it increases the risk of developing many diseases. To improve physical fitness and quality of life, it is important to be as active as possible. With regular exercise, we can maintain physical, mental and social functioning and contribute to a successful aging. Dance as a form of physical activity has different characteristics that benefit health and also social relationships. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to find out what impact various forms of dance have on the quality of life in older adults, based on a literature review. Methods: In search of literature, we used electronic databases DiKUL, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PubMed, ProQuest and PEDro. We searched articles published between 2009 and 2019 in Slovenian and English language. Keywords or combination of them, we used are: in English: elderly, older adults, dance, dance therapy, quality of life; in Slovenian: starostniki, ples, starejši odrasli, terapija s plesom, kakovost življenja. Results: According to the inclusion criteria, we included seven studies in our literature review. All seven studies, each with a different form of dance, found an improvement in quality of life in older adults. Discussion and conclusion: We have found that improving the quality of life through participation in the dance program can be due to a combination of several different factors. It increases physical fitness and well-being, thus improving the quality of life. In addition, it contains social and emotional interaction and encourages thinking. It also increases creativity and balance. All of these qualities have a positive impact on the individual and consequently increase the quality of life. Dance is a fun form of physical activity that can attract older adults to become more physically active. It is precisely the enjoyment of physical activity that increases the effect of the exercise and it is more likely to become a part of the lifestyle. Based on the above, dance is a very appropriate form of physical activity for older adults, since as a preventive activity it slows down age-related changes and consequently contributes to successful aging.

Keywords:physical activity, healthy aging, well-being

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