
Ključne kompetence in neformalna znanja študentov, pridobljena med bivanjem v študentskem domu
ID Krečič, Višnja (Author), ID Ilič, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali kompetence študentov, ki opravljajo študentsko delo ali študentsko strokovno prakso. S teorijo smo pojasnili različne poglede na kompetence posameznika, kompetence delovne organizacije, kompetence delovnega mesta. Strokovna praksa je zasnovana tako, da zajema najpomembnejše delovno specifične in ključne kompetence, ki naj bi jih študent osvojil. V dnevniku strokovne študijske prakse ima posameznik ob opisanih osvojenih ključnih in delovno specifičnih kompetencah opisana dela, naloge in oceno mentorja, ki navaja, koliko je posameznik določeno kompetenco pri delu uporabljal. Pri strokovnem praktičnem delu želimo študenta ciljno naučiti specifična in vnaprej določena znanja, veščine, kompetence in konkretno strokovno delo, ki bodo študentu opora pri iskanju zaposlitve oziroma vrednotenju znanja za nadaljevanje študija. V nalogi smo opisali različne poglede na kompetence v teoriji in pri študentski strokovni praksi skozi proces vseživljenjskega učenja in vrednotenja ter priznavanja kompetenc, znanj in veščin. Končni namen naj bi bila lažja zaposljivost študenta in ovrednotenje osvojenih kompetenc za nadaljevanje študija.

Keywords:znanje, kompetence, učenje, delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111205 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36412253 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Key competencies and informal students' knowledge acquired during stay in students home
In the present thesis we have researched the competences of student interns, who work at student dormitories. In the theoretical part we present an overview on the field of competences of the individual, of the organization and of the work. The curriculum of professional internship includes the most important work specific competences, which the student should acquire. It also requires the student to log his acquired and applied competences as well as other work related activity in a journal. This sort of work is intended to give the student the opportunity to learn and master operational work, which will benefit him in the labour market and his further studies. In our work we will try to answer the next research questions. Through this thesis we presented the theoretical background of competences that we can detect in all areas of work and life. We also present our case from the perspective of lifelong learning and validating informal knowledge for better employability or further academic career.

Keywords:competences, learning, work.

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