
Tri filozofije osvoboditve? Gramsci, Hardt in Negri, Mignolo
ID Duvnjak, Barbara (Author), ID Lukšič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava teoretično področje politične filozofije Antonia Gramscija, Michaela Hardta in Antonia Negrija ter Walterja Mignola. S pomočjo komparativne in interpretativne analize skuša prikazati podobnosti med koncepti in teorijami izbranih avtorjev. Cilj magistrskega dela je analiza in komparacija Gramscijeve diktature proletariata, Hardtove in Negrijeve multitude ter Mignolovega sistema the communal. Znotraj navedenih konceptov so primerjani ključni elementi, kot so hegemonija, kontrahegemonija, intelektualci, tip organiziranosti organizacije/sistema, ideologije, jezik in kolektivnost. Interpretacija konceptov je pokazala, da lahko teorije Gramscija, Hardta in Negrija ter Mignola v določeni meri kontekstualizacije enačimo in z zagotovostjo trdimo, da so izbrane teorije teorije osvoboditve, upoštevajoč čas in kraj nastanka. Hegemonski akterji, torej buržoazija, Imperij in imperialni Zahod predstavljajo iste družbene skupine/razrede, prav tako pa je moč trditi, da politični teoretiki v različnih družbah predpostavljajo enaka razmerja med podrejenimi in vladajočimi družbenimi skupinami/razredi. S pomočjo interpretacije je bilo mogoče ugotoviti, da med ideologijo hegemonije pri Gramsciju ter Hardtu in Negriju in Mignolovo ideologijo dekolonizacije in mejnega mišljenja ni mogoče vzpostaviti povezave.

Keywords:diktatura proletariata, multituda, the communal, hegemonija, kontrahegemonija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111200 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36411741 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Three Philosophies of Liberation? Gramsci, Hardt and Negri, Mignolo
The master’s thesis addresses the theoretical field of political philosophy of Antonio Gramsci, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri and Walter Mignolo. Using comparative and interpretative analysis, it attempts to portray possible similarities between the concepts and theories of the selected authors. The aim of the thesis is to analyse and compare Gramsci’s dictatorship of the proletariat, Hardt’s and Negri’s multitude and Mignolo’s system of the communal. Within these concepts, key elements such as hegemony, counter-hegemony, intellectuals, type of structure of the organisation/system, ideologies, language and collectivity are compared. The interpretation of the concepts showed that the theories of Gramsci, Hardt and Negri and Mignolo can be, to a certain degree, equated within the process of contextualisation. We can also assert with certainty that the chosen theories are theories of liberation, considering the time and place of their origin. The hegemonic actor, that is, the bourgeoisie, the Empire and the imperial West, represent the same social groups/classes; furthermore, it can be argued that political theorists assume the same relationship between subordinate and ruling social groups/classes within different societies. Through interpretation, it was possible to establish that no connection can be asserted between the ideology of hegemony of Gramsci, Hardt and Negri and Mignolo’s ideology of decolonisation and border thinking.

Keywords:dictatorship of the proletariat, multitude, the communal, hegemony, counter-hegemony.

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