
Otrokova pravica, da izve za svoj izvor
ID Skubic, Nataša (Author), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pravica do poznavanja izvora naj bi bila ključna za oblikovanje lastne identitete. Poznajo jo mednarodni pravni akti, tudi Ustavno sodišče Republike Slovenije ji je priznalo naravo temeljne človekove pravice. Položaji, v katerih se lahko pojavi želja po poznavanju bioloških staršev so: posvojitev, postopki oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo z darovano spolno celico in vsi ostali položaji, v katerih otrok svojih genetičnih staršev ne pozna. Prvi pogoj pri uresničevanju te pravice je, da otrok sploh ve, da obstaja roditelj, ki z njim deli genetsko povezavo. Pri posvojitvi in oploditvi z darovano spolno celico je nadaljnji pogoj, da obstaja dokumentacija, ki vsebuje podatke o otrokovem izvoru. Tretji pogoj pa je možnost dostopa do teh podatkov. V vseh ostalih primerih, v katerih otrok bioloških staršev ne pozna, ima pa to željo, mu mora pravo omogočiti učinkovito sodno varstvo (npr. tožba za ugotavljanje očetovstva). Čeprav je zaznati naraščajoči trend želje po poznavanju lastnega izvora, mu slovenska pravna ureditev ne sledi najbolje, zlasti ne na področju postopkov OBMP z darovano spolno celico, kjer še vedno velja popolna anonimnost darovalcev.

Keywords:izvor otroka, posvojitev, oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo, dokazovanje očetovstva, anonimnost darovalcev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111189 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16970321 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:A child`s right to know his/her parents
The right to know one's parents is considered to be of key importance to forming one's own identity. It is acknowledged by international treaties, whereas the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia has also acknowledged it as having the nature of a fundamental human right. Situations in which the desire to know one's biological parents are the following: adoption, treatments for assisted human reproduction with a donated germ cell, and all other situations where a child does not know his/her genetic parents. The first condition for exercising this right is that the child even knows that a parent who shares a genetic link to him/her exists. In cases of adoption and assisted human reproduction with a donated germ cell, a further condition is that there exists the documentation that entails information about the child's parents. The third condition is the possibility of access to such information. In all other instances where a child does not know his/her parentry, and wishes to know them, the law must provide him/her with effective judicial protection (e.g. a paternity suit). Although it is possible to detect a growing trend of the desire to know one's own parents, the Slovenian legislation does not keep up the pace as well as it could, especially in the field of assisted human reproduction with a donated germ cell where complete anonymity of donors still applies.

Keywords:child's origin, adoption, assisted human reproduction, establishing proof of paternity, anonymity of donors

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