
Modeli sodelovanja med starši in strokovnimi delavci v vrtcih
ID Berčič, Petra (Author), ID Devjak, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berčnik, Sanja (Comentor)

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V pričujočem diplomskem delu z naslovom Modeli sodelovanja med starši in strokovnimi delavci v vrtcih smo sprva opredelili pojem sodelovanja, navedli nekatere njegove sopomenke, pomen in namen, pogoje za nastanek, predstavili koristne učinke, ki jih prinaša, akterje in njihovo vlogo v potekajočem procesu. Omenili smo tudi dejavnike, ki morebitno vplivajo nanj oz. ovirajo nastanek/ohranjanje kvalitetnega odnosa. Za lažje razumevanje sodelovanja med strokovnimi delavci in starši smo naredili pregled zgodovine, preko katere smo zaznali storjene spremembe in napredek na področju stikov med strokovnimi delavci – vzgojitelji – in starši. Slednji izražajo zadovoljstvo z vzpostavljenim medsebojnim odnosom, le-to pa delno pripomore k oblikovanju pogleda na kakovost dela celotne vzgojno-izobraževalne institucije. Ker se zavedamo, da je sodelovanje med vzgojitelji in družino obvezno oz. formalno pogojeno, smo izpostavili tudi vsebino nekaterih zakonov, aktov, še posebno pa smo se osredinili na ključni dokument, ki gradi program in izvedbo predšolske vzgoje – Kurikulum za vrtce, natančneje navedeno načelo sodelovanja s starši. Nazadnje pa smo nekaj več besed namenili še modelom sodelovanja med strokovnimi delavci in starši, ki so, kot lahko razberemo iz naslova dela, naša osrednja tema, in sicer smo opisali menedžerski, klientski in partnerski model sodelovanja. V empiričnem delu smo izhajajoč iz ciljev raziskovali, kakšen je pogled staršev na pomen sodelovanja z vrtcem in pogoje, ki so za nastanek kakovostnega medsebojnega odnosa potrebni, kakšno je stanje na področju sodelovanja, torej, kateri model sodelovanja je v ospredju ter kakšno je zadovoljstvo staršev z vzpostavljenim odnosom z vzgojiteljem. Na podlagi interpretacije rezultatov smo prišli do sklepa, da obstaja precejšnje zadovoljstvo staršev na področju sodelovanja s strokovnimi delavci, čeprav nekateri še vedno vidijo možnost izboljšave oz. nadgradnje odnosa.

Keywords:sodelovanje med starši in strokovnimi delavci v vrtcih
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111182 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12606793 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Models of collaboration between parents and educational professionals in kindergartens
This paper titled Models of Collaboration between Parents and Educational Professionals in Kindergartens first defines cooperation, states some of its synonyms, describes its significance, intention and conditions for formation as well as it presents the beneficial effects it has, the persons involved and their role in the on-going process. Furthermore, factors that may affect the process or hinder the formation/the maintenance of a quality relationship are mentioned. For a better understanding of the cooperation between professional workers and parents, we conducted an overview of history, through which we noticed the changes doneand detectedthe progress that was made in the field of relationship between professional workers–kindergarten teachers–and parents. The latter express satisfaction regarding the established mutual relationship, which partly contributes to how the quality of work of the entire educational institution is perceived. Since we are aware that the cooperation between kindergarten teachers and families is obligatory and necessary, we stressed the content of some laws and acts: what is more, we especially focused on the key document that defines the program and the execution of the pre-school education–Kindergarten Curriculum, a more precisely stated principle of cooperation with parents. Lastly, we briefly presented the models of cooperation between professional workers and parents, which are–as it can be deducted from the title of the paper–our main topic. The management, client and partnership models of cooperation are described. The empirical part stems from our goals and examines what is the parents' opinion on the significance of cooperation with the kindergarten and on conditions that are required for the formation of a quality mutual relationship. Furthermore, it investigates what the situation in the field of cooperation is–which model of cooperation is the most common–and to what degree the parents are satisfied with the established relationship with the kindergarten teacher. Based on the interpretation of the results, we concluded that the parents are considerably satisfied regarding the cooperation with the professional workers; however, some parents still see the potential for improvement or the enhancement of theirrelationship.

Keywords:cooperation between parents and professional workers in the kindergarten

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