
Napaka kot transformativna metoda
ID Trampuž, Nejc (Author), ID Koštrun, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rauch, Peter (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi se bomo ukvarjali z raziskovanjem napake in preizprašali negativno konotacijo, ki jo spremlja v naši družbi. Obrnili bomo naše dojemanje napake; namesto neželenega odklona jo bomo spoznali kot orodje, ki ga lahko izkoristimo za odkrivanje novih teritorijev in dosego povsem nepričakovanih ciljev. Raziskali bomo zgodovino uporabe napake v umetnosti in se poglobili v področje, ki se ukvarja s tehnološko napako: glitch art. Poiskali bomo način, kako napako vključiti v (vizualno transformativno) metodo – a na tej poti se bomo srečali s paradoksom, ki nastane v trenutku, ko želimo napako metodizirati. Zgradili bomo metodo, ki napako jemlje kot osrednji konceptualni element in prišli do praktične manifestacije v obliki interaktivne instalacije. Ta temelji na glitchu (tehnološki napaki), ki se zgodi ob nepravilnosti v kodi slikovne datoteke in se izrazi skozi transformacijo vizualnega.

Keywords:fotografija, vizualna umetnost, napaka, transformativna metoda, računalniška tehnologija, glitch, digitalna datoteka, databending, interaktivna instalacija, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111164 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2019
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Title:Error as transformative method
This master's thesis focuses on the research of the error and questions the negative connotation associated with it in our society. The perception of the error is reversed here; instead of seeing it as an unwanted deviation it shall be perceived as a tool that can be used to uncover new territories and reach unexpected goals. The thesis explores the history of using the error within art and digs deep into the field of technical error: glitch art. It tries to find a way to include the error into a (visually transformative) method - but this process leads to a paradox that becomes evident with the attempt to methodize the error. A method will be developed which uses the error as the main element of a concept which then leads to a practical manifestation in the form of an interactive installation. This is based on a glitch (technical error) that happens due to a faulty code of the image file and is expressed through a transformation of the visual.

Keywords:photography, visual arts, error, transformative method, computer technology, glitch, digital file, databending, interactive installation, MA thesis

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