
Izbira dnevnih počivališč pri evrazijskem risu (Lynx lynx) v dinarskih gozdovih Slovenije
ID Hočevar, Lan (Author), ID Krofel, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Evrazijski ris (Lynx lynx) je pretežno nočno-aktivna vrsta, kar pomeni, da večino dneva prespi oziroma počiva. Mikro-habitatni izbor dnevnih počivališč pri risu je zaenkrat še slabo raziskana tema, kljub temu da predstavlja pomemben vidik ekologije te vrste. Cilj naloge je bil opis značilnosti dnevnih počivališč risa v slovenskih Dinaridih in ugotoviti, katere reliefne strukture oziroma tipe vegetacije risi izbirajo za svoja počivališča. Raziskava je zajemala terenski popis dnevnih počivališč, ki so bila določena s pomočjo telemetričnih ovratnic in sledenja v snegu ter popis naključnih lokacij, ki so bile ustvarjene znotraj teritorijev istih risov. Na lokacijah smo popisovali različne parametre, ki so opisovali vegetacijo, različne topografske in reliefne značilnosti ter vidljivost. Skupno smo popisali 217 risjih počivališč od 8 različnih osebkov in enako število naključnih lokacij na območju snežniških in javorniških gozdov, Velike in Male gore ter kočevske Stojne. Razlike med risjimi počivališči in naključnimi lokacijami ter razlike med počivališči v bližini plena in počivališči brez plena smo analizirali s pomočjo univariatnih in multi-variatnih testov. S posplošenim linearnim mešanim modelom (GLMM) smo ugotovili, da so risi izbirali lokacije z večjimi nakloni, večjo razgibanostjo terena, manjšo vidljivostjo, večjo oddaljenostjo od človeških objektov in lokacije na vrhu grebenov oziroma vrhov. Risi so izbirali tudi sestojni tip mladovje ter vegetacijski tip goščava, kar je verjetno povezano predvsem z večjim kritjem. Pri primerjavi dnevnih počivališč glede prisotnosti plena smo opazili bolj izrazito selekcijo na počivališčih brez plena, vendar so bile razlike večinoma majhne. Rezultati prikazani v tej nalogi se večinoma skladajo z zaključki tujih raziskav, ki so se ukvarjale z dnevnimi počivališči pri risih in drugih vrstah mačk, nekatere vidike pa smo raziskali kot prvi. Rezultatov bi lahko bili uporabni tudi za bolj učinkovito ohranjanje habitatov pomembnih za risa, na primer pri presoji vplivov umeščanja infrastrukture v gozdni prostor.

Keywords:ris, Lynx lynx, dnevna počivališča, izbira habitata, Dinaridi, mikro-habitat
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Hočevar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111141 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5511334 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Selection of resting sites by Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Slovenian Dinaric Mountains
Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is mostly nocturnal species and spends daytime mostly sleeping and resting. Micro-habitat selection of lynx resting sites is still a poorly researched topic, although it has an important role in the ecology of this species. The goal of the present thesis was to describe characteristics of daily lynx resting places in Slovenian Dinaric Mountains and investigate which relief structures and which types of vegetation lynx select for their resting site in respect to their availability. The study included a field surveys of daily resting sites that were determined unsing GPS telemetry collars and snow tracking. We also surveyed the same number of random control locations created within the territory of the same lynx. Various parameters were described at the locations describing the vegetation, several topographic and relief features and visibility. A total of 217 lynx resting sites of 8 different individuals and an equal number of random locations were sampled. The field work was taking place in Snežnik and Javorniki forests, Velika and Mala gora and Stojna. Differences between lynx resting places and random locations, as well as differences between resting places near prey and resting places without prey, were analyzed using univariate and multi-variant analyses. With the use of general linear mixed model (GLMM) we found that lynx selected locations with steeper slopes, greater terrain diversity, lower visibility, larger distance to human objects and sites located on top of ridges and hilltops. The lynx also selected juvenile forests and bushes, which is probably related with better cover. When comparing daily resting sites with or without presence of prey remains, we observed more pronounced selection at resting sites without prey, although the differences were mostly small. Our results are mostly comparable to conclusions of research on resting sites of lynx and other felids in other countries, while some aspects we studied for the first time. Some of our results could be used for more effective conservation of habitats important for lynx, for example when planning construction of new infrastructure in forest landscape.

Keywords:Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx, resting site, habitat selection, Dinarics, micro habitat

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