
Jezik na meji molka v Malini Ingeborg Bachmann
ID Silovšek, Anja (Author), ID Virant, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tej magistrski nalogi se najprej posvetim podrobnejši interpretaciji romana Malina Ingeborg Bachmann z vidika izgradnje pripovednega subjekta v odnosu do pripovedovanja in pripovedi same. Motiv zamolka in nemoči pripovedovanja se izkaže kot osrednjega pomena za dinamiko celotnega dela. V nadaljevanju se osredotočim na ime naslovnega lika in ključno mesto, ki ga zaseda v kontekstu motiva zamolka. Nadalje postavim problematiko izgradnje subjekta v jeziku pri Bachmann v kontekst misli Ludwiga Wittgensteina. Izkaže se, da Bachmann na Wittgensteinovi osnovi razvija izvirno misel o kognitivni vrednosti jezika in jo razširja na lasten premislek o književnosti. Problematiko možnosti spoznave v jeziku nato postavim v kontekst nemške in avstrijske povojne književnosti ter vprašanja o možnosti pisanja po holokavstu. Z vključitvijo kulturološke perspektive se na tem mestu najprej posvetim interpretaciji romana z ozirom na misel T. W. Adorna in M. Horkheimerja, za konec pa poudarim še medbesedilno navezanost romana na različna dela Paula Celana ter pomen prav te medbesedilnosti za temo subjekta, ki kljub nemoči, da bi pripovedoval, hrepeni po izrazu.

Keywords:literarne študije, nemška in avstrijska povojna književnost, pisanje po holokavstu, Ingeborg Bachmann, Malina, zamolk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111134 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2019
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Title:Language at the Border of Silence in Malina by Ingeborg Bachmann
In the present master thesis I first focus on a detailed interpretation of Malina by Ingeborg Bachmann, regarding the aspects of a construction of the narrative identity and its relation to the narrative procedure of the novel. I aim to show the key relevance of the motif of the inarticulation in the narrative self for the interpretation of the novel as a whole. I then focus on the name of the title character Malina, and show the important link between the name and the motif of the inarticulate narrator. Bachmann’s construction of the narrative subject is thereupon taken into consideration in the light of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy. It turns out, Bachmann develops an original concept with respect to cognitive value of literature on the basis of Wittgenstein’s thoughts on language. I then set the question of cognitive aspects of literature in the context of German and Austrian post-war literature by contrasting the writing of T. W. Adorno and M. Horkheimer with Malina, thus including the culturological perspective on the matter, and conclude with an emphasis on the intertextual links to various works of Paul Celan that function not merely as a homage, but occupy a much more important role as a part of the key motif of a narrative self, longing to find expression.

Keywords:literary studies, German and Austrian post-war literature, writing after Holocaust, Ingeborg Bachmann, Malina, inarticulation in the narrative self

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