
Vodenje osebnih finančnih evidenc med osnovnošolci in srednješolci v Savinjski regiji
ID Pilih, Alja (Author), ID Lovšin Kozina, Francka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5986/ This link opens in a new window

Raziskave so pokazale, da je finančna pismenost nizka, kar ima lahko negativne posledice za finančno stabilnost posameznika. Pri finančni pismenosti je pomembno znanje, kot so na primer vodenje osebnih finančnih evidenc, nadzor nad porabo denarja in tudi mnenje, ki ga imajo o tem posamezniki. Z raziskavo, v katero je bilo vključenih 100 učencev (50 devetošolcev ter 50 srednješolcev iz 4. letnika), smo ugotovili, da osebne finančne evidence vodi več srednješolcev, da pri srednješolcih in osnovnošolcih obstaja povezava med rednim prejemanjem prihodkov in vodenjem osebnih finančnih evidenc. Osnovnošolci, ki vodijo osebne finančne evidence, svoje prejemke in izdatke vodijo s pomočjo beležke, srednješolci pa se bolj poslužujejo uporabe mobilnih telefonov. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da se finančna nepismenost kaže že v nevodenju osebne finančne evidence. Pri tem bi bilo smiselno razmišljati o ukrepih in izboljšavah na tem področju. Rezultati raziskav so pokazali, da imajo osnovnošolci in srednješolci podobno mnenje glede pomembnosti vodenja osebne finančne evidence. Vodenje osebne finančne evidence se jim zdi pomembno, saj imajo tako pregled nad svojimi prihodki in odhodki. Z raziskavo smo želeli preveriti tudi uporabnost sodobne tehnologije z namenom spodbujanja vodenja osebnih finančnih evidenc. Učenci so tako en teden uporabljali izbrano mobilno aplikacijo za vodenje osebnih finančnih evidenc (»Easy home finance« ali »Wally lite«). Po tednu dni testiranja mobilnih aplikacij smo osnovnošolce in srednješolce povprašali za mnenje, če se jim zdijo mobilne aplikacije dober način sprotnega vodenja osebnih finančnih evidenc. Večina osnovnošolcev in srednješolcev je bila mnenja, da je to dober način. Namero o nadaljnji uporabi izbrane aplikacije je nakazal večji delež srednješolcev kot osnovnošolcev. Ob načrtovani, sistematični uporabi mobilnih aplikacij bi pri predmetu gospodinjstvo tako tudi s sodobnimi pristopi poučevanja lahko vplivali na razvoj dobrih navad vodenja osebnih finančnih evidenc.

Keywords:finančna pismenost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111116 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12602697 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Personal finances management of elementary and secondary students in Savinjska region
The research performed for the thesis has shown that financial literacy is low in primary and secondary school students which can have negative consequences for the financial stability of the individual. In financial literacy knowledge, keeping personal financial records and controlling money spending, as well as the opinion of individuals is important The survey, which included 100 students (50 9th grade students in primary school and 50 secondary school students in 4th year), found that a higher share of secondary school students keeps a personal financial record than primary school students and that there is a link between a regular income and keeping personal financial records in primary and secondary school students. Primary school students running personal financial records keep their records with the help of a notebook, while secondary school students keep their records using mobile phones. The survey found that financial illiteracy is already reflected in the lack of personal financial records and it would be good to think about measures for improvements in this area. The results of the research have shown that both primary and high school students have a similar opinion on the importance of keeping personal financial records. Keeping personal financial records is important to them because they have an overview of their income and expenses. The usefulness of modern technology with the aim of promoting the management of financial records was also examined in the research. For one week students used a selected mobile app for personal finance ("Easy Home Finance" or "Wally Lite"). After a week of testing the mobile applications the primary and secondary school students were asked whether they considered a mobile application a good way to keep their personal financial records. Most of them thought that this was a good way to keep their financial records. A higher proportion of secondary school students expressed the intention to further use the selected application than primary school students. The development of good practices in managing personal financial records for schoolchildren could be influenced with planned and systematic use of mobile applications and modern approaches to teaching at the housekeeping subject.

Keywords:financial literacy

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