
Toplotna izolacija iz netkanega odpadnega tekstila : diplomska naloga
ID Braz, Luka (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Antolinc, David (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen proces izdelave toplotno izolacijskih plošč narejenih iz odpadnega poliesterskega (PET) netkanega tekstila. Plošče so bile narejene s stiskanjem in segrevanjem zmletega odpadnega filca v preši z ogrevanimi stiskalnimi ploščami. Prvih nekaj plošč je bilo izdelanih poskusno z namenom izboljšanja procesa izdelave. Kasneje je bilo zdelanih 35 plošč, ki se med seboj razlikujejo po debelini, gostoti nasutja in po tem, da nekatere vsebujejo vodno steklo, ostale pa ne. Devetnajst plošč je bilo v nadaljevanju podrobneje analiziranih. V tej fazi je bila izmerjena njihova toplotna prevodnost, požarna odpornost in zvočna izolativnost. S primerjanjem dobljenih rezultatov meritev je je bilo ugotovljeno, da ima največji vpliv na toplotno prevodnost gostota samih plošč. Gostejša kot je plošča, višjo ima toplotno prevodnost, kar pomeni, da je njena toplotna izolativnost slabša. Vsebnost vodnega stekla vpliva na toplotno prevodnost, saj so plošče z dodanim vodnim steklom imele višjo toplotno prevodnost kakor plošče z enako gostoto brez vodnega stekla. Na toplotno prevodnost plošč brez dodanega vodnega stekla vpliva tudi končna debelina plošč, saj z večanjem debeline plošč narašča njihova toplotna prevodnost. Pri ploščah z dodanim vodnim steklom je vpliv debeline na toplotno prevodnost zanemarljiv. Toplotna prevodnost plošč nižje gostote je s svojimi lastnostmi konkurenčna nekaterim obstoječim izolatorjem na trgu. Toplotna prevodnost plošč, ki so bile testirane znaša od 0,044 do 0,061 W/mK. Na absorpcijo zvoka plošč imata pozitiven vpliv višja gostota in dodatek vodnega stekla. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da dodatek vodnega stekla, ki je sam po sebi negorljiv negativno vpliva na odziv plošč izpostavljenih odprtemu plamenu.

Keywords:toplotna izolacija, toplotna prevodnost, netkani tekstil, vodno steklo reciklaža odpadkov, zvočna izolacija, požarna odpornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111101 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8895841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2019
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:24.09.2019

Secondary language

Title:Thermal insulation from non-woven textile waste : graduation thesis
The thesis describes the process of manufacturing thermal insulation panels made from non-woven polyester (PET) textiles. Panels were made by compressing and heating the shredded non-woven felt in a heated platen press. The first few trial panels were made with manufacturing process improvement in mind. Subsequent 35 panels were made in different thickness and density of fill, some of them with and some without added water glass. Nineteen panels were analyzed in detail. At this stage their thermal conductivity, sound absorption and fire resistance were measured. The comparison of the obtained measurement results demonstrated that the density of the panels has the greatest impact on thermal conductivity. The denser the panel, the higher its thermal conductivity, which indicates worse thermal insulation properties. Thermal conductivity is also affected by presence of water glass, since panels with added water glass had higher thermal conductivity compared to the panels of the same density without water glass. Thermal conductivity of the latter depends on the final thickness of the panels as their thermal conductivity increases proportionally to their thickness, whereas the impact of thickness on thermal conductivity of panels with added water glass is negligible. Thermal conductivity of lower density panels is competitive with some of the existing insulators on the market. Thermal conductivity of the tested panels ranged from 0,044 to 0,061 W/mK. Water glass and higher sample density have a positive influence on the sound insulation properties of the panels. It has also been concluded that that the addition of water glass, which itself is non-combustible, has a negative effect on the fire resistance properties of the panels.

Keywords:Thermal insulation, thermal conductivity, recycled waste, non-woven textiles, water glass, fire resistance, sound insulation

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