
Drevesne naravne vrednote v registru naravnih vrednot Slovenije
ID Adamič, Pia Caroline (Author), ID Brus, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj naloge je bila podrobna analiza dreves v registru naravnih vrednot Slovenije. Z analizo 2529 drevesnih naravnih vrednot v registru smo prikazali deleže posameznih drevesnih vrst, zastopanost rodov in družin ter njihov izvor. V registru je 87,4 % vrst avtohtonih, daleč najpogostejša vrsta je lipa. Od tujerodnih vrst jih največ prihaja iz Severne Amerike. Analizirali smo pomen drevesnih naravnih vrednot, merila vrednotenja in lokacijo. 77,9 % vrednot je lokalnega pomen, najbolj pogosto merilo je izjemnost drevesa, predvsem njegove mere, največ vrednot pa je v območni enoti Maribor z gostoto 0,248 drevesnih vrednot/km2. Zapisali smo povprečne in največje mere za drevesne vrste v registru in primerjali domače ter tuje vrste z registra. Največ izjemnih dreves se nahaja ob domačijah in kmetijah (31,2 %) in nato v bližini sakralnega objekta (17,9 %). V registru je 36,3 % dreves zdravih oz. brez evidentiranih poškodb, za 4,1 % nimamo podatka, drugih 59,6 % pa je poškodovanih. Z rezultati želimo splošno prikazati informacije in stanje drevesnih naravnih vrednot v Sloveniji.

Keywords:drevesne naravne vrednote, register naravnih vrednot Slovenije, naravna dediščina, izjemna drevesa, vrednotenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111075 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5473958 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Tree natural values in the register of natural values of Slovenia
The aim of the assignment was a detailed analysis of the registry of tree natural values of Slovenia with 2529 trees. In the analysis we showed the percentage of each tree species, their genera, family and origin. There are 87.4 % native species, most of non-native species are from North America. By far the most common tree species is Tilia platyphillos. We defined types of tree natural values, criteria for evaluation and their locations. 77.9 % trees are local, the most important criteria is dimension of the tree, and most trees are found near Maribor with a density of 0.248 tree natural values/km2. We recorded average and maximum dimensions for each tree species and compared native with foreign species from the registry. We found out that most tree natural values are found near farms (31.2%) and in the proximity to a sacral object (17.9%). In the registry, 36.3 % of the trees are healthy, 4.1 % have no data and the other 59.6 % are injured. The results are intended to provide a general overview of information and the condition of tree natural values in Slovenia.

Keywords:tree natural values, register of natural values of Slovenia, natural heritage, exceptional trees, evaluation

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