
Etični vidiki upravljanja z invazivnimi tujerodnimi vrstami
ID Kovač, Sebastjan (Author), ID Jogan, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za učinkovito upravljanje z invazivnimi tujerodnimi vrstami je pomembna vključenost tako stroke, različnih interesnih skupin, kot tudi splošne javnosti, kar vodi do nasprotujočih si mnenj, saj se skupine med seboj lahko razlikujejo v znanju, odnosu do metod upravljanja in etičnih prepričanjih. V tem magistrskem delu smo zato s pomočjo vprašalnika, v katerem smo naslovili osebe s področja varstva narave, skušali pridobiti informacije o njihovem znanju glede invazivnih tujerodnih vrst, njihove poglede na metode upravljanja in stopnjo njihovega sprejemanja. V raziskavo, ki je potekala preko spletnega vprašalnika, smo tako zaobjeli odgovore 114, ki delujejo na področju varstva narave v Sloveniji. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da med odločevalci in ostalimi deležniki s področja varstva narave ni večjih razlik v odgovorih. Znanje o invazivnih tujerodnih vrstah je bilo med anketiranci visoko. Med metodami odstranjevanja je bila največje podpore deležna pri rastlinah metoda izkopavanja ter pri živalih metoda streljanja odraslih osebkov in sterilizacija ali uporaba kontracepcije. Kljub razmeroma dobremu poznavanje problematike se pri odgovorih na nekatera vprašanja ni pokazalo enotno mnenje, kar nakazuje na različna si mnenja, ki ne slonijo na znanstvenih dognanjih, temveč vzgibih vodenih s strani čustev in etičnih vrednot. Raziskava tako ponuja izhodišče za izboljšanje upravljanja z invazivnimi tujerodnimi vrstami, ki temelji na znanstvenih dejstvih in ne čustvih.

Keywords:invazivne tujerodne vrste, upravljanje, mnenja, ekološka etika, varstvo narave
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111059 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5329743 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2019
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Title:Ethical aspects of invasive alien species management
The effective management of invasive alien species is possible when it involves a community of the scientists, stakeholders, and the general public, leading to conflicting opinions, as groups may differ in knowledge, attitude to management methods and ethical beliefs. This master's thesis soughts to obtain information about knowledge of invasive non-native species, opinions on management methods and the level of their acceptance through a questionnaire addressed to nature conservation practitioners. The survey, which was conducted through an online questionnaire, thus coveres the responses of 114 persons working within the field of nature conservation in Slovenia. The results of the survey showcases no major differences in responses between decision makers and other stakeholders in the field of nature conservation. Knowledge about invasive alien species is high among the respondents, which is also reflected by the consistency of the answers with official definitions. Among the methods of disposal, the greatest support was given to the method of excavation for plants, the method of shooting adult specimens and sterilization or contraception for animals. Despite the relatively high knowledge, the answers to some of the questions did not lead to a consensus opinion, which points to different opinions that are not based on scientific knowledge but on the motives of emotions and ethical values. The research thus provides a starting point for further improving the management of invasive alien species based on scientific objectives rather than emotional attachments.

Keywords:invasive alien species, management, opinions, ecological ethics, nature conservation

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