Flame weeding with propane is one of the possible alternative weeding methods, especially when it comes to vegetables. Which is why we started an experiment with carrots, on the Laboratory Field of Biotechnical Faculty, in which we compared different weeding methods, i.e. flame weeding, inter row cultivation, spraying and a control. The Newhall cultivar of carrots was used. The carrots were hand sown in trapeze shaped ridges with inter row width 75 cm. We concluded that flame weeding with mounted flaming machine Ecobrena from the company Mobilis is a very effective weeding method in carrot crops. The highest crop yield was achieved on the sprayed parcel, while the crop yield on the flamed parcel was 57 % lower. The crop yield on the flamed parcel was 19 % bigger than on the cultivated parcel. The efficiency was also higher on the flamed parcel than the cultivated parcel. Flaming was also carried out on a parcel cultivated with a power harrow and on a parcel cultivated with a bed former. We reached high efficiency of weeding in both cases, even though there were a lot of weeds before we flamed the parcels for the third time. Low working speed at flaming and high gas consumption have shown to be disadvantages of flame weeding.