
Vrednotenje genskih virov šetraja (Satureja spp.)
ID Drole, Laura (Author), ID Baričevič, Dea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi vrednotene populacije šetraja so izhajale iz semena nabranega v naravi po različnih delih Slovenije. Razmnožene rastline so bile presejane na laboratorijsko polje Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani z namenom določitve medpopulacijskih in medvrstnih razlik v vsebnosti eteričnega olja in morfoloških lastnosti v obdobju dveh let. Variabilnost je bila vrednotena na osmih akcesijah šetraja (Satureja spp.) eni akcesiji pritlikavega šetraja (Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis.) in eni akcesiji kraškega šetraja (Satureja montana L.). Vsebnost eteričnega olja je bila določena s tri-urno vodno destilacijo s Clevenger aparaturo. Za šetraj še ni znanih deskriptorjev, po katerih bi se lahko ravnali ob vrednotenju lastnosti, zato smo parametre določili sami. Vrednotene lastnosti so bile širina in višina grma, število poganjkov/grm, barva listov in stebla, odstotek cvetenja, barva cvetov, prisotnost in gostota listnih žlez, način rasti in morebitna prisotnost bolezenskih znakov. Primerjava akcesij je pokazala, da se pritlikavi šetraj razlikuje od šetraja in kraškega šetraja v barvi cvetov. Pritlikavi in kraški šetraj se razlikujeta od šetraja v načinu rasti. Opažene so bile znotraj populacijske, medpopulacijske in medvrstne razlike v odstotku cvetenja. V letu 2017 so rastline cvetele od julija do začetka septembra, v letu 2018 pa od julija do konca septembra. Po sušenju so vse akcesije izgubile do polovice svoje mase. Vsebnost eteričnega olja je znašala med 0,47 in 21,19 ml/kg suhe zeli.

Keywords:kraški šetraj, Satureja spp., morfologija, eterično olje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Drole]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111048 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9301113 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation og genetic sources of savory (Satureja spp.)
Savory populations evaluated in this graduation thesis, originated from seeds collected from various wild growing populations in Slovenia. They were multiplied and transplanted to The Laboratory field of Biotechnical Faculty of University of Ljubljana with the aim of assessing the natural variations in essential oil content, and morphological characteristics of above ground plant parts among different populations and species. The variability was investigated on eight accessions of savory (Satureja spp.), one accession of Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis.. And one accession of winter savory (Satureja montana L.). The essential oil content was determinated obtained by three hour water distillation with Clevenger apparatus. Due to nonexistence of morphological descriptors, the following parameters were defined: shrub length and height, stem shoot density, leaf and stem colour, width of inflorescence, flower petals colour, blooming percentage, gland density, plant grow habit and the possible presence of disease symptoms. Comparison of studied accessions showed following results: Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis. significantly differs from savory and winter savory by flower petal colour. Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis. and winter savory differ from savory by plant growth habitus. An inter- and intra- population as well as intraspecies variability were observed regarding blooming percentage. In 2017 the plants flowered from July to beginning of September. In 2018, on the other hand they flowered from July to late September. After drying, all accessions lost half of their weight. Essential oil content ranged from 0,47 to 21,19 mL/kg of dried mass.

Keywords:winter savory, Satureja spp., morfology, essential oil content

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