
Vpliv dezoksidacije jekla v EOP na čistočo jekla pri sekundarni rafinaciji
ID Prošt, Alain (Author), ID Knap, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Turščak, Jernej (Comentor)

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MD5: DC0D857BB96C9BD09B32FCCA807623E1

Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z obravnavo vpliva dezoksidacije v elektroobločni peči na vsebnost nekovinskih vključkov pri sekundarni rafinaciji. V delu je opisano področje enostavne in kompleksne dezoksidacije, ki zajema termodinamične in kinetične zakone. Prav tako so opisani različni pogosti dezoksidanti in modifikacija nekovinskih vključkov z injiciranjem oplaščene žice, polnjene s CaSi v talino. Opisana je tudi izdelava jekla v elektroobločni peči in sekundarni rafinaciji ter lastnosti dveh obravnavanih kvalitet jekel in njuno litje. Pri dveh šaržah UTOPMO1 in pri dveh šaržah UTOPMO2 smo opravili prebod pri dveh različnih koncentracijah kisika. Pri tem je bil cilj določiti še sprejemljivo visoko koncentracijo kisika v talini pri prebodu, da bi zagotovili ustrezno čistost jekla. Pri sekundarni rafinaciji smo nato opazovali nekovinske vključke po razplinjanju in 10 minut po injeciranju oplaščene žice CaSi. Nekovinske vključke smo opazovali v končnih odlitih ingotih. Kategorizacijo nekovinskih vključkov smo opravili na podlagi standarda ASTM E45 metodi A in po DIN 50602 metodi K ter z avtomatsko analizo vključkov. S slednjim smo določili tudi vpliv dezoksidacije na velikosti vključkov posameznih kategorij

Keywords:EOP, kisik, dezoksidacija, nekovinski vključki, orodno jeklo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111011 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1837663 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2019
PROŠT, Alain, 2019, Vpliv dezoksidacije jekla v EOP na čistočo jekla pri sekundarni rafinaciji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of deoxidation of steel in electric arc furnace on the purity of the steel in secondary rafination
The diploma work deals with the influence of deoxidation in electric arc furnace on the content of non-metallic inclusions in secondary rafination. In the work describes simple and complex deoxidation and their respective thermodynamical and kinetic laws. Common deoxidants and modification of non-metallic inclusions with coated CaSi filled wire into the melt are also described. The paper deals with the production of the two steel grades in the electric arc furnace and in the secondary rafination stage and their casting. The influence of the content of non-metallic inclusions on the properties of steel is also presented. In two batches of steel grades UTOPMO1 and two batches of UTOPMO2 we tapped the steel with two different concentrations of oxegen. The goal was to determine the acceptable high concentration of oxegen during tapping, in order to ensure an adequate amount of non-metallic inclusions. In the secondary refining stage, we observed nonmetallic inclusions after degassation and 10 minutes after shooting coated CaSi filled wire into the melt. We observed non-metallic inclusion in the cast ingots. The non-metallic inclusion were categorized on the basis of ASTM E45 method A and DIN 50602 method K and with a scanning electron microscope. With the latter we determined the influence of the degree of deoxidation on the size of inclusions of individual categories.

Keywords:EAF, oxegen, deoxidation, non-metallic inclusions, tool steel

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