
Prehranska obravnava bolnika s sindromom kratkega črevesa : diplomsko delo
ID Meglič, Alenka (Author), ID Pandel Mikuš, Ruža (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Sindrom kratkega črevesa je posledica zmanjšane dolžine tankega črevesa, ki nastane zaradi prirojenih napak ali pa obsežnih kirurških resekcij tankega črevesa. Pojavi se lahko tudi takrat, ko je tanko črevo primerne dolžine, moteno pa je delovanje resorpcije zaradi različnih dejavnikov. Kaže se s hudo drisko, z znaki malabsorpcije, s hipovolemijo in z izsušenostjo, elektrolitskim neravnovesjem in s podhranjenostjo. Zdravljenje poteka konservativno, predvsem z uvedbo popolne parenteralne in enteralne prehrane. Kirurško zdravljenje se uporablja za podaljšanje črevesa, ob odpovedi črevesa pa je potrebna presaditev tankega črevesa. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti prehransko obravnavo pri sindromu kratkega črevesa in kako ta vpliva na kakovost življenja osebe s to boleznijo. Metoda dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom slovenske in tuje znanstvene literature od leta 2000 do leta 2019 na temo sindrom kratkega črevesa. Omenjeno literaturo smo iskali prek spletne strani UpTodate, podatkovnih baz Medline, PubMed in Cinahl na portalu Dikul z oddaljenim dostopom digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani ter s pomočjo bibliografskega sistema COBISS.SI. Iskanje literature je potekalo od junija 2018 do junija 2019. Vključitvena merila so bila: jasno razložene metode dela, dostopnost s celotnim besedilom in recenzirani članki. Rezultati: Sindrom kratkega črevesa je motnja s širokim spektrom in z različnimi posledicami, ki so odvisne od stopnje bolezni. Individualna strategija za bolnika vključuje modifikacijo makro- in mikrohranil v prehrani, tekočinske in farmakološke možnosti za izboljšanje zdravja in kakovost življenja ter zmanjšanje zapletov in smrtnosti v povezavi s sindromom kratkega črevesa. Program zdravljenja vključuje interdisciplinarni pristop. Pri tem pristopu ima medicinska sestra zelo pomembno vlogo v okviru zagotavljanja parenteralne in enteralne prehrane bolnika s sindromom kratkega črevesa. Razprava in zaključek: Bolniki s sindromom kratkega črevesa so poleg odsotnosti zdravja prikrajšani tudi za kakovost življenja. Velikokrat so hospitalizirani zaradi okužb, ki so posledica parenteralne prehrane, so nezaposleni; življenje morajo prilagoditi svojim potrebam po parenteralni prehrani na domu. Pri tem je zelo pomembno delo medicinske sestre, ki bolnikom svetuje v ambulantah ali na domu.

Keywords:sindrom kratkega črevesa pri otrocih in odraslih, hidracija, prehrana, zdravljenje, medicinske sestre in svetovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110990 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5694827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Nutritional treatment of the patient with short bowel syndrome : diploma work
Introduction: Short bowel syndrome is a malabsorption disorder caused by a lack of functional small intestine. Most cases are due to surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine or congenital defects. It can also occur when the small intestine is of adequate length, but the resorption effect is affected by various factors. The primary symptom is diarrhea, which can result in dehydration, hypovolemia, malnutrition, electrolyte imbalance and weight loss. Symptoms of short bowel syndrome are usually addressed with medication and the introduction of a complete parenteral and enteral diet. Surgical procedures are used to lengthen the affected part of the bowel. In case of bowel failure intestinal transplantation might be needed. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to present nutritional treatment of people with short bowel syndrome and to explain how it affects their quality of life. Methods: In the diploma was used the descriptive method of work with a review of Slovenian and foreign scientific literature on short bowel syndrome. We searched for the aforementioned literature through a web site UpTodate, Medline, PubMed and Cinahl databases, in the Dikul portal via remote access of the digital library of the University of Ljubljana and using the bibliographic system COBISS.SI. Search for literature it started from June 2018 to June 2019. The articles that were used are from 2000 to 2019, had clearly explained methods of work, were accessible with full text and were reviewed. Results: Short bowel syndrome is a wide spectrum disorder that has various consequences depending on the degree of the disorder. Treatment program contains interdisciplinary approach. The individual strategy for the patient includes the modification of macro and micro nutrients in the diet, hydration and pharmacological options to improve the health, quality of life and reducing complications and mortality associated with the syndrome. In this approach, the nurse plays a very important role in providing parenteral and enteral nutrition to the patient with short bowel syndrome. Discussion and conclusion: In addition to the absence of health, patients with the syndrome are also deprived of quality of life. Many times are patients hospitalized because off infections which are the consequence off parenteral food, are unemployed and they must to adjust life their needs for parenteral nutrition at home. The nurse has very important role to consulting patients on clinic or at home.

Keywords:short bowel syndrome in adults and children, hydration and short bowel syndrome, diet, treatment, nurse and consulting

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