
Genski inženiring: ustvarjeni otroci in večna mladost – iluzija ali realnost? : magistrsko delo
ID Fele, Urška (Author), ID Globokar, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu se ukvarjamo s problemom genskega inženiringa. Kakšne so etične opredelitve mislecev, tako tistih, ki so za izpopolnjevanja človeka z genskim inženiringom, kot tudi kakšne so opredelitve mislecev, ki so proti takšnim izpopolnjevanjem. Skozi celotno delo se v prvem delu najprej posvetimo izpopolnjevanjem, ki nam obsežno pokažejo problematiko genskega inženiringa in izpopolnjevanja človekove narave. V drugem delu pa predstavimo konkretno tehnologijo CRISPR – Cas9, ki bi želena izpopolnjevanja človeka lahko uresničila. Predvsem se postavijo etična vprašanja, ki se dotikajo avtonomnosti človeka, njegove odgovornosti in na koncu koncev njegove narave, bistva. Posvetimo se dvema temama, ki predstavljata morebitni posledici CRISPR tehnologije: ustvarjeni otroci in večna mladost. V zadnjem, tretjem delu, se osredotočimo na krščanski pogled na dano tematiko. Predstavimo teorijo naravnega moralnega zakona, kot jo je oblikoval Tomaž Akvinski in aplikacijo te teorije na uporabo sodobnih tehnologij, ki vplivajo na človeka (IVF, PGD, manipulacije genskega zapisa). Kot glavno vprašanje si postavimo, ali je genski inženiring nekaj, česar se lahko poslužimo ali celo moramo poslužiti? V zaključku ugotovimo, da ni enega odgovora. Predvsem se pojavi mnogo novih vprašanj, na katere moramo poiskati odgovore, ali pa jih vzeti v razmislek, preden dejansko dovolimo, da se dana tehnologija uporabi na človeku.

Keywords:genski inženiring, človeška narava, PGD, IVF, izpopolnjevanje, terapija, morala, otroci, nesmrtnost, manipulacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Fele]
Number of pages:V, 56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110967 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8198746 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Genetic engineering: designer children and immortality – illusion or reality?
In the master's thesis we are dealing with the problem of genetic engineering. What are the ethical arguments of scholars, both those who are for the human genetic engineering training, and what are the arguments of scholars who are against such advancements. Throughout our work, the first part focuses on refinements, which extensively show us the problems of genetic engineering and the refinement of human nature. In the second part, we go to the specific technology CRISPR - Cas9, which could fulfill the desired human enhancements. Above all, ethical questions arise that touch upon the autonomy of man, his responsibility and, ultimately, his nature, the essence of human being. Later we focus on two topics that could result from CRISPR technology: created children and eternal youth. In the last third part, we focus on the Christian view of the subject. The view of Thomas Aquinas and his natural moral law is presented, as well as arguments for and against of various technologies that are or could affect humans (IVF, PGD, manipulation of the gene record). The main question is whether genetic engineering is something we should do. In conclusion, we can see that there is no easy answer. More than answers, there are many new questions that need to be answered or taken into our thinking before we actually allow the technology to be applied to humans.

Keywords:genetic engineering, human nature, PGD, IVF, enhancements, therapy, moral duty, children, immortality, manipulation

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