
Test sistema IMU v instrumentu Javad Triumph-LSA : diplomska naloga
ID Podpečan, Samo (Author), ID Marjetič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlovčič Prešeren, Polona (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi preverjamo meje delovanja in zanesljivost sistema IMU, vgrajenega v instrument Javad Triumph-LSA. Sistem usklajuje morebitno ne-vertikalnost togega grezila pri določitvi položaja z RTK-metodo izmere GNSS. Za izhodišče testiranja smo najprej določili položaj referenčne točke v vertikalni legi instrumenta GNSS in nato instrument postopoma nagibali v različnih smereh. Koti nagiba so znašali vse do 40°. Med togo grezilo in anteno GNSS smo namestili 360° prizmo, na katero smo med vsako določitvijo položaja vizirali s tremi, enakomerno razporejenimi tahimetri. Na ta način smo se skušali izogniti čim več pogreškom terestričnih meritev ter določili tri neodvisne meritve točke nagiba. Za množico točk, ki smo jih določili z različnimi nagibi, smo iz terestričnih meritev izračunali kot nagiba in azimut oziroma usmerjenost instrumenta pri posamezni določitvi položaja. Cilj naloge je bil preveriti, kako dobro Javad Triumph-LSA še lahko določa položaj, če antena GNSS ni v vertikalni legi. Ugotovili smo, da poleg nagiba instrumenta v vertikalni smeri na kakovost določitve položaja vpliva tudi smer nagiba (azimut). Pri večjih kotih nagiba se koordinate točk, določenih pri istem nagibu in različnem azimutu, razlikujejo tudi do 7 cm.

Keywords:IMU-sistem, Javad Triumph-LSA, RTK-metoda, klasična terestrična metoda, nagib instrumenta.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:S. Podpečan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110957 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8938593 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Testing the IMU-system in the Javad Triumph-LSA instrument : graduation thesis
In the graduation thesis, we test the limits of operation and reliability of the IMU-system within the instrument Javad Triumph-LSA. The system allows compensating the non-verticality of the GNSS pole in RTK-positioning. First, we determined the RTK-coordinates of the reference point in the vertical position, and then gradually tilted the instrument in different directions and different tilt angles, all the way up to 40°. Between the GNSS pole and the antenna, the 360° Leica prism was mounted, to which we performed measurements with three tachymeters. We obtained three independent measurements of each slope point by avoiding recording errors. From the measured slope points, the calculation the slope and azimuth was performed, respectively the orientation of the instrument. The aim of the task was to determine the quality of coordinates of angle the inclination Javad Triumph-LSA can still determine the position within the quality, required in geodesy and at what inclination the instrument is still capable of measuring. We found that, in addition to tilting the instrument in a vertical direction, the quality of positioning is also influenced by the tilt direction (azimuth). At higher tilt angles, the coordinates of the points determined at the same tilt and different azimuth vary by up to 7 cm.

Keywords:IMU-system, Javad Triumph-LSA, RTK method, classical terrestrial method, instruments`s inclination.

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