The final seminar paper examines the suitability of the area between Ljubljana and Kamnik from the equestrian perspective. We have analyzed the physical and socio-geographical characteristics that play a major role in the placement of such pathways in space. We also surveyed trail riders about the suitability of equestrian trails in the studied area and the basic guidelines for equestrian trail planning and asked some municipalities within the area for an opinion. With fieldwork, we checked the possibility for placement of the trails and invite trail riders to value certain locations. We have found that most of the area is landscape suitable and has experiential capability. The main problem we faced, however, was the high rate of urbanization and consequently the dense transport infrastructure. It is practically impossible to ride from Ljubljana to Kamnik without crossing state roads. This means that it is necessary to get off the horse and walk along at these locations. Based on the paperwork and fieldwork, we made a final map of the proposal for equestrian trails. We also made a map of conflict points and described the routes in detail. Most of the trails are linked to the existing infrastructure and in some locations, alternative solutions were provided.