
Motivika in ženska perspektiva v sodobni slovanski kratki prozi
ID Hadžić Žavski, Samanta (Author), ID Virk, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je pregled šestih zbirk kratke proze slovanskih pisateljev in pisateljic, ki so napisane v ženski perspektivi. V pregledu se ukvarjam predvsem z jezikom, slogom ter motiviko in idejo oziroma sporočilnostjo besedil. Dela, ki jih obravnavam, so naslednja: Rumena Bužarovska: Moj mož, Uršul'a Kovalyk: Drag šov, Suzana Tratnik: Noben glas, Ivan Klima: Ljubimčeve klopotače in druge ženske grozljivke, Želimir Periš: Mučenice in Andrej Blatnik: Ugrizi. Najprej me zanimajo najpogosteje rabljeni motivi v zbirkah sodobne slovanske kratke proze, ki so predmet moje obravnave. Kasneje me zanima, ali so motivi pri avtoricah drugačni od tistih, ki jih uporabljajo avtorji. Osvetlim tudi del zgodovine jezika in vpliva spola na jezik, na koncu pa ugotavljam, ali glede na obravnavana dela moški v ženski perspektivi pišejo drugače kot ženske.

Keywords:kratka proza, motivi, ženska perspektiva, jezik, spol
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110908 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Motives and Female Perspective in Contemporary Slavic Short Prose
The purpose of the master's thesis is to review six collections of short prose by Slavic man and women writers, written in female perspective. I am mainly focused on the language, style and motivation and idea or message of the texts. The works I am dealing with are: Rumena Bužarovska: Moj mož, Uršul'a Kovalyk: Drag Šov, Suzana Tratnik: Noben glas, Ivan Klima: Ljubimčeve klopotače in druge ženske grozljivke, Želimir Periš: Mučenice and Andrej Blatnik: Ugrizi. First of all, I am interested in the most commonly used motives in the collections of contemporary Slavic short prose, which are the subject of my discussion. Than I am interested in whether the motives by the female authors are different from those used by the male authors. I am also describing a small part of the history of language and the influence of gender on language, and finally, I am finding out, according to the discussed works, if men write differently from women in the female perspective.

Keywords:short story, motives, female perspective, language, gender

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