
Vpliv globalizacije na religijo v sodobni sociološki misli
ID Jordan, Tjaša (Author), ID Zalta, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je obravnavan pojem religijie v navezavi z negativnim vplivom in učinki globalizacije. V okviru religioznega nasilja so podrobneje predstavljeni in opredeljeni ključni pojmi, ki so povezani z fundamentalizmom, verskim nacionalizmom in terorizmom. Predstavljeni so vzroki in okoliščine, na katere se nanaša vzpon religijskega nasilja in samo pojavnost le-tega v času globalizacije. Prikazani so vidiki in ozadje nastanka nasprotnosmernih učinkov, ki prispevajo h globljemu poznavanju le- teh, saj so kompleksni in individualni. Sovpadajo z današnjim zaznavanjem osebne in skupinske marginalizacije in odrinjenosti določenih skupin v odnosu do Zahodne Evrope in ZDA. Pojavlja se občutek dvojnih standardov, zaradi globalnega vpliva in to pogosto postane temeljni razlog za stopnjevanje religioznega nasilja in zatekanje nazaj k tradicijam. V diplomskem delu s raziskovali, kakšne odzive je možno opaziti v religiji in zakaj so se kot takšni pojavili. Na podlagi analize treh konceptov, ki so bili podani s strani izbranih avtorjev, smo poskušali ugotoviti, kakšni so temeljni razlogi za pojavnost in primerjati te tri koncepte.

Keywords:Globalizacija, religija, fundamentalizem, verski nacionalizem, terorizem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110847 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
JORDAN, Tjaša, 2019, Vpliv globalizacije na religijo v sodobni sociološki misli [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of globalization on religion in sociological thought
This thesis deals with the notion of religion in relation to the negative impact and effects of globalization. In the context of religious violence, key concepts related to fundamentalism, religious nationalism and terrorism are presented and defined in more detail. There are presented causes and circumstances, which refer to the rise of religious violence and its occurrence in the age of globalization. The aspects and background of the emergence of counterclockwise effects are shown, which contribute to a deeper knowledge of these, as they are complex and individual. They coincide with today's perception of the personal and group marginalization and detachment of certain groups in relation to Western Europe and the USA. There is a sense of double standards, due to global influence and this often becomes a fundamental reason for escalating religious violence and resorting back to traditions. In the thesis we explored which responses can be observed in religion and why did they appeared as such. Based on the analysis of the three concepts, provided by selected authors, I tried to find out what are the fundamental reasons for the occurrence and compared these three concepts.

Keywords:globalization, religion, fundamentalism, religious nationalism, terrorism

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