
ID Gaber, Tjaša (Author), ID Visočnik, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Beseda chanoyu (??) ali pa morda slovenska ustreznica čajni obred ali čajna ceremonija, je po navadi povezana z ustaljeno predstavo o harmonični kulturi pitja čaja, ki je ikonična za Japonsko. V njej je imel zelo pomembno vlogo velemojster Sen no Riky?? (???, 1522–21. april 1591), nekateri pa menijo, da je še danes najbolj znan mojster čaja na Japonskem. Zavedati se moramo, da je bila ta umetnost v zgodovini marsikaj več kot le druženje ob čaju. V času združevanja Japonske je njena priljubljenost narasla in postala je sredstvo, prek katerega so se ljudje družili ne samo znotraj svojih družbenih slojev, temveč tudi pripadniki različnih slojev. Riky??je?kot?mojster?čaja?v?času?združevanja?Japonske pomembno vplival na tedanje dogodke. V tem diplomskem delu bom razložila, kako je Riky? postal ne samo najvplivnejši mojster čaja na Japonskem, ampak tudi eden izmed najpomembnejših mož tistega časa. Njegov vpliv se je širil skupaj z vladavino njegovih dveh?pokroviteljev,?mogočnih?vojskovodij?Ode Nobunage?in?njegovega naslednika Toyotomija?Hideyoshija. Mojster je izpopolnil?nov slog chanoyuja,?ki?je bila tako razvedrilo kot?tudi??sredstvo za uresničevanje?določenih politično-vojaških?ambicij vojskovodij. Ta umetnost je v primerjavi z nasilnejšimi in bolj dolgotrajnimi pristopi omogočala združevanje Japonske in vzpostavljanje hierarhičnih odnosov in vlade na miroljubnejši način.

Keywords:Sen no Rikyu, chanoyu, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, združevanje Japonske
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110844 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of Chanoyu in the Time of Unification of Japan
When one hears the word chanoyu or perhaps the more common phrase tea ceremony, one associates it with the idea of a harmonious culture of drinking tea, which is thought to be iconic for Japan. The grandmaster Sen no Riky?? (???, 1522 – April 21, 1591) played a vital role in the history of chanoyu; some would argue that he is the most well-known tea master in Japan even today. It is important to acknowledge that this gentle and refined art transcended a simple social gathering around tea. With its growing popularity in the time of the unification of Japan, it became a medium which enabled people to socialize not only inside the social classes they belonged to but also between the members of different social classes. As a tea master, Riky? had a great influence on the occurrences in the time of unification. In this thesis, I will strive to explain how Riky??became not only the most influential tea master in Japan, but also one of the most influential men of his time. His influence expanded with the rule of his patrons, the mighty warlords Oda?Nobunaga?and his heir Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The master perfected a new type of chanoyu, which represented entertainment as well as a means of achieving the warlords’ political and military ambitions. Consequently, it served as a more peaceful way of uniting the nation. Diplomacy was also achieved through this art, which meant that there was less need to resort to more violent methods of establishing proper hierarchy and rule.

Keywords:Sen no Rikyu, chanoyu, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the unification of Japan

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