
Sebstvo, družba in smrt: nekatere implikacije zavedanja lastne smrtnosti za družbeno prakso
ID Berglez, Aleksander (Author), ID Jeffs, Nikolai (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Shajanje s smrtjo je pomemben temelj sleherne kulture in ključna zahteva vsake družbe je, da skozi družbeno objektivizirano vednost legitimira smrt v simbolnem univerzumu njenih pripadnikov. Na ta način družba ureja in organizira lastno družbeno kontinuiteto, reprodukcijo, kohezijo in integracijo, kar predstavlja osrednjo problematiko večine socioloških problematiziranj smrti. Z osredotočanjem na širše mehanizme in strukture ohranjanja družbene kontinuitete ter moteč ali integrativen potencial smrti se morda nehote pozablja na individualno razsežnost shajanja z zavedanjem smrtnosti ravno tistih posameznikov in posameznic, ki poustvarjajo družbeno strukturo in pomenske okvire kulture. Problematika smrti se torej v sociologiji večinoma osredotoča na vprašanja in dinamiko razmerij ter procesov umiranja ob smrti pomembnih drugih in morebitnih posledicah na družbeno integracijo ali dezintegracijo; zagotavljanja neprekinjene kontinuitete družbenega življenja; krepitve ali rahljanja solidarnosti; dinamiko in institucionalizacijo upravljanja s starejšo in umirajočo populacijo ter vprašanja potencialnih pretresov nadaljnje individualne motivacije ter participacije v družbenem vsakdanjiku. Smrt je obravnavana z gledišča družbe in ne z gledišča posameznih ljudi, ki to družbo in njene vzorce vzdržujejo. Kot danost obstoja smrt zaseda pomembno mesto tudi v vsakdanji družbeni praksi, zato bom v pričujočem delu primarno zagovarjal hipotezo, da zavedanje in shajanje z lastno smrtnostjo konstituira pomembno gonilo individualnega družbenega delovanja kot tudi strukturiranja družbe, s čimer bom smrt v sociološkem preučevanju, s pomočjo sociologiziranih dognanj kulturne antropologije in socialne psihologije, umestil v družbeno sedanjost tudi tistih, ki z njo niso v neposrednem razmerju. Uvedel in utemeljil bom koncept projektov nesmrtnosti, ki izhajajoči iz zavedanja in shajanja s smrtnostjo mostijo motive individualnega družbenega delovanja z družbenimi strukturami zagotavljanja ontološke varnosti, strategij preživetja, legitimacij smrti in obljub ter možnosti simbolne kolonizacije (posmrtne) prihodnosti in brezkončne kontinuitete pomenov. Smrt je eden izmed redkih vseprisotno splošnih okvirov, skozi katerega se konstruira posamično in družbeno življenje, zato je zavedanje lastne smrtnosti in implikacije shajanja s to vednostjo v sociologiji treba jemati smrtno resno.

Keywords:smrt, sebstvo, nesmrtnost, družba, pomen, Ernest Becker, teorija shajanja z grozo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-110836 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Self, Society and Death: Some Implications of the Awareness of One's Own Death for Social Praxis
Coping with death is a vital foundation of every culture and the key demand of every society is to legitimize death in the symbolic universe of its members through socially objectivized knowledge. In this manner, society manages and organizes its own social continuity, reproduction, cohesion and integration, which represent the central issue of most sociological discussions regarding death. By focusing on the wider mechanisms and structures of maintaining social continuity and the disruptive or integrating potential of death, it seems as if sociology is forgetting the individual scope of coping with the awareness of death with regard to those individuals who reproduce the social structure and cultural frameworks of meaning. In sociology the problem of death is focus upon the potential consequences for social integration or disintegration, ensuring the continuity of social life, affirming or dissolving solidarity, the dynamics and institutionalisation of managing the elderly, the dying and tackling questions of potential obstructions to individual motivation and participation in daily social life. Death is thus tackled from the perspective of society and not from the perspective of individual people that produce and reproduce it. As a given of human existence death has an important place in daily social praxis. Therefore this thesis will primarily argue fort he hypothesis that awareness and coping with death constitutes an important mainspring of individual social action as well as social structuration. Through sociological interpretations of the findings stemming from cultural anthropology and social psychology, I will situate death in the social present of even those people not in direct relations with it. I will introduce and establish the concept of immortality projects that stem from the awareness and coping with death that bridge individual motivations of social action with social structures that enable ontological security, survival strategies, death legitimations, and opportunities of the symbolic colonisation of the future (afterlife) and the endless continuity of meaning. Death is one of the rare omnipresent general parameters through which individual and social life are constructed. This is why sociology must consider an awareness of one's own death and why the implications of this are to be taken deadly seriously.

Keywords:death, selfhood, immortality, society, meaning, Ernest Becker, Terror Management Theory

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